About two years ago I had a run in with the robots of Twitter when I used a colloquial term for a person that regards themselves as transgender. I used the term ‘tranny’. After that incident and a second one like unto it, I learned that such words must be garbled by alternative consonants and vowels to not offend the robot gods. Many months, maybe even a year has gone by, long enough to have forgotten what offends the hate gods. I did not reply to a post until today when I came across a post characterizing this week’s school shooter as a typical white boy [paraphrase here, as I no longer have access to the original post]. The connotation and context suggested that it was not an aberration, but rather, normative that a typical white boy would be filled with enough anger and rage and to then go shoot up his school. Pretty sick and hateful stuff to indiscriminately tar such a broad class of young people with a heinous and patently false stereotype, even though I’m well aware that it’s always open hunting season on white boys in the eyes of sickos like the poster.
My own reply to him was:
‘He isn’t a Martian either so we’re safe on that score. Most school shooters are a) tranny wanna-bees and 100% are mentally ill and almost 100% are known to police and or the FBI’.
For pointing out the factual, I was bestowed ‘limited visibility’ for that post citing hateful speech as justification for the action. How ironic.
There are a few things to unpack here and I’ll start with the micro, the suspected word of offense, ‘tranny’. As mentioned, it is a colloquial word that came into common and widespread usage many decades ago. It is informal shorthand for transgender. By chance, the post right after my exercise of ideological Armageddon, mentioned ‘drag queens’. Curious that that term was also in common usage by the same people at the same time as those that used the word tranny. It just so happens that one term was embraced as endearing and the other, selectively, as a slur. Similarly, two other words were also in common usage at the time, by the same people, adherents and detractors: ‘queer’ and ‘faggot’. One word become a loved and chosen descriptor and the other a slur. At a casual glance, language usage seems random, a matter of chance; it is not. Language is a weapon. One group has used words to describe personal animus, or most often, benign categorization. Another group has randomly pushed and shoved one set of words into something akin to criminalization for the express purpose of politically correct osterization. These effects are not equal.
This brings me to X. Its community standards board or committee is most likely a robot, (especially given how automatically my appeal was rejected) and to the extent that there are any real people anywhere in the process, they’re probably pimply faced young nerds from an urban jungle somewhere in the vicinity of South Asia. The original programmer of the system was likely fired two years ago, nevertheless, given the absence of intelligent cultural analysis to my post, my message to this virtual decision board is: ‘X, go phucque urself.’
Don’t get me wrong. X is still essential. I’ve said so before and am presently writing another piece describing X as probably responsible for saving Western civilization. But back to the irony…Musk and X has been kicked out of Brazil for not censoring enemies of that state and then X turns around a pulls this shit. Half of the EU is threatening to arrest him and lock him up for good for the same. So @elonmusk , let me tell you just this. If you’re going to go all in on free speech, go all in. Your damn ‘review board’ or whatever the hell it is, appears to still be bound and dictated to by a group of certifiably mentally ill people, the trannies of which I spoke. And btw, they have committed most or all of the school shooting in the past couple years; but moreso, you @elonmusk of all people should be well aware of the campaign to extinguish heterosexual white males from the face of the earth. The hate filled phaquot that I responded to in my post reply made that perfectly clear.
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