There is a somewhat cohesive movement about in current events to try to flush the culture wars from the public agenda. The red-hot inflection point is the present stage of the 2024 Presidential race. Conservatives are standing at a Y in the road with some telling them that engaging in the culture war is death to our prospects of electing a conservative President. Focus on things like abortion or transgender politics and that is the hill you will die on. Into this mix has come a definitive statement by one Josiah Lippincott: Conservatives Lost the Culture War and the Trump Agenda Is the Only Path Forward. This is an overall excellent article that I’d recommend for its blunt assessment of current culture war and electoral issues, and the people groups involved. In the final analysis though, Lippincott comes out against involvement in the culture war. In his estimation, stick with Donald Trump who he believes will stick with four core issues: immigration, tariffs (foreign trade balance), dropping Ukraine, and restoring law and order. Focusing elsewhere will sink a nomination, blow the 2024 election, and doom the United States to inevitable demise under a deeply leftist puppet regime led presumably by an almost or fully incoherent Biden. As a broad stroke, I can’t disagree with this drift though I would differ on some details and objectives, but there are critical reasons why a culture war should not be brushed aside.
Lippincott asks, what good is it to try and win an already lost culture war if you lose the nation? To that I would first ask, what good is it to preserve the shell of a nation if that nation is running prison camps guarded by sadistic trans operatives? Even more so; Since when was it a good idea to concede that twenty plus percent of our flesh and blood kids would need to be chemically or surgically sterilized and castrated as a sacrifice to the culture war gods in order to make sure that Donald Trump gets elected? Hyperbole? Maybe, but I would quickly follow with this; since when did we have to choose between those battles?
One aspect I agree with is that a Presidential candidate should stick with macro issues. To Lippincott’s list, I’d add a few critical things. I would add the reversing the profound deep slide of our military, caused almost entirely by the current embrace of woke ideology, a culture war issue. I would add something about the hijacking of our national spending priorities that are literally funneling hundreds of billion dollars, maybe trillions, toward woke causes, entities, and individuals under flimsy fake pretenses like climate activism, equity, and institutionalizing election theft in swing states. These, I believe, are also culture war issues. I would also highlight how the current puppet President has sold the United States to China in exchange for enriching the Biden Family Crime Syndicate and how this has been aided and abetted by almost the entire upper echelon of our intelligence and foreign policy establishment. File this under the heading of national sovereignty. I would also like to see rectified that our entire system of constitutional powers has been subverted by our present administration being run and taking orders of the obviously unelected George Soros and Barack Obama. Maybe this is not a culture war issue, but it does demonstrate how perhaps we have already lost the United States, in my opinion, maybe a more thorough and extensive loss than the supposed culture war loss.
It’s a big country and there are a lot of people to fight both wars. A Presidential candidate should indeed stick to the big things but there is no avoiding woke. If a candidate resolves to avoid it, others will bring it to his doorstep. No one will win an election by caring about things that the majority do not care about and missing what they do hold dear. The best candidate will get into America’s living room and help them define what matters most.
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