Transitioning is in transition. Presently, a lot of news stories are suggesting that gender transition as a forced mass movement may finally be hitting a wall. In my estimation, it’s too soon to declare that and a more sober characterization would be more like a ‘speedbump’. The single most critical point of inflection in stopping this culture of mutilation is this: It will not stop until the group most widely victimized from it says it must stop: Women.
Sometimes women decide they want to take on the externalities of a man. Activism associated with that mode of transition is conspicuously tepid, not to minimize that for the victims and relatives of female to male** transition, but it does not appear to have the same level of social energy as male to female transitions. Children have been targeted for gender transition activism as well. If ever there were a priority to protect a group from this evil, it would be children. As Elon Musk suggested, any parent or doctor that sterilizes a child should spend the rest of their life in prison. But in raw numbers, most kids are protected by loving families and others, so they are not (yet) the group most widely victimized. I suggest instead that it’s authentic women who must endure serious impositions on their civil rights, their privacy, their public and private expressions of womanhood, and public social institutions.
Women have been invaded by tranny activism especially in the United States. Even liberal European nations seem to pause at the notion of a mass trans movement, especially when forced into the mainstream. US women especially, are having their female identity stolen, their reproductive abilities neutralized behind a kind of sandblasted affront of language, like ‘birthing people’, or ‘people that bleed’. Women’s sports have been absolutely obliterated. Males can fill out a form, take a few months of hormones and call themselves a woman athlete and run the table in almost any sport. Rapist claiming transition can insinuate themselves into women prisons and males everywhere can don a dress – or not – and freely flaunt their parts to women or even minor girls in bathrooms and locker rooms. Women as a class and in individual cases are getting screwed in a mass organized offensive, betrayed by their own ‘sisters’. While a few high-profile women are speaking out, why does it appear that U.S women are just falling over in the face of tranny activism? I have a theory.
There’s one fight that liberal women, along with some limited covert conservative support, one thing that they remain passionate about: abortion. I theorize that women’s leaders, role models, and influencers, have received their orders and directed them either overtly or by passive coercion filtered down the women’s movement’s ‘food chain’, that if they want abortion then they must also endorse state promoted trans-activism, even if it means that they sacrifice – in essence – the entire rest of their womanhood. This includes countless aspects of femininity, the gains of liberal feminism, their personal safety, and any remaining natural affinity for children. In this equation, affluent women sacrifice nothing, and the rest bear the full brunt of their folly, and malice. For that, the affluent could care less.
For some women, this is a natural extension of their devotion toward abortion. If they are radically and passionately dedicated to the right to grind up their unborn child out of their womb, how far of a stretch is it to also accept mutilation and sterilization of their born children, their own and others generally? They have become the same as the myth goddesses that devour their own children, a persona they revel in.
Women are making a trade; they must have the ‘sacrament’ of abortion and are willing to pay the price, annihilation brought on by trans ideology.
** All trans-gender outcomes are based on assumed and crude externalities. Authentic ‘sex change’, while possible in some lower zoological orders, is biologically impossible in humans.
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