How much self-inflicted chaos would it take before Joe Biden’s people turn against Joe Biden? This is just a thought exercise for which I don’t know the answer. The President, any President has a lot of power. That power used to be self-regulated mostly by the President himself, eager to stay within some norms, avoid scandals, and cater approval from Congress with whom they had to work to get things done. Having to resort to the Supreme Court to define constitutional powers was an exceedingly rare event. All of that is changed. Joe Biden has grossly distorted the boundaries of the Presidency along with an aligned congress for his first two years as President and with a compliant Senate to the present, has mandated few checks on his power. He has single handedly degraded our military with identity politics, erased our borders, spent hundreds of billions of dollars by decree. He crushed lower and middle America with inflation and a steep decline in the value of retirement savings. He’s the root cause of market moves that have so far destroyed three banks nearly rivaling the 2008 banking collapse but at his time, we’re just getting started, its just the first inning. He has ignored most threats from China, being compromised from his family being on their payroll. He is systematically creating future acute energy dependency by his so-called climate change policies. He has endorsed lawlessness in the United States, is beholden to George Soros who appears to be controlling the White House as per the radical shift to his agenda and the many visits to the Whitehouse. At this point, there seems to be few limits on Biden’s destructive power. Some destruction he can do outright as long as he is sitting President. Other unconstitutional acts like wiping out whole categories of student debt have had to be challenged in court where even a denial will nevertheless serve to just incentivize more young radicals. A lot of us ask, where do Executive branch abuses end? Where are the checks and balances we learned about in civics classes? Since when did a President obtain so much imperial power? Polls are all over the map. Only a small minority of Biden’s own party thinks he should run again and yet many of his party regulars endorse the same specific measures that are clear abuses, or dereliction of his powers such as with immigration. What would it take to shake them loose? How many ‘blue’ city downtowns need to burn at one time before Democrat mayors cry uncle? How many small and midsize Democrat towns filled with law-abiding hardworking party faithful voters need to be overrun with illegal immigrant surges bankrupting their treasuries and overwhelming their services, how may will it take before they finally say, Trump had a better answer and would have been a better choice? How many black people will have to die at the hands of vagrants and criminals of their own race before blacks understand that Democrats have built their power over their corpses? How long before they admit that those black lives matter too? What number of wealthy Democrat enclaves will have to host miles of homeless, drugged encampments littered with shit and needles before they realize that Democrat ‘compassion’ is really just callous blindness along the road to insatiable power grabs? What scale of military humiliation will it take before it dawns on the Democrat faithful that the America that tolerates and nurtures their arrogant self-superiority and perverse cutting-edge ideologies is in danger of falling to powers and authorities that won’t countenance those ideas any longer? What will happen when and as conservative kids finally cease to volunteer for those armed forces that are become just social services for a rainbow of enterprising perverts? How many tens or hundreds of millions of dollars documented as going into the pockets of dozens of Biden family members will it take before the smug faux moralist Democrats that concocted fictions over Trump, realize that Biden literally sold America to dictators and hustlers so that his kids and grandkids could buy houses and nice drapes in the finer tony neighborhoods of old-money Wilmington Delaware? When will we hear a fine class-conscious Democrat object to that treason? Shouldn’t that rub your communist heart the wrong way Bernie Sanders? How about you Anderson Cooper? How about you local Democrat county councilman? How about you, staid upright frugal abortion believing retiree women that just wants everybody to get along? What will it take before you admit that Joe Biden is the most corrupt callous President in our history, erasing all those freedoms, closing an open society, making the safe unsafe, and dissolving the economic platform that allowed you to live a long peaceful and prosperous life that your adult children will now no longer be able to enjoy? How do feel knowing that your granddaughters will no longer take up high school and college sports because tranny males have made it a worthless sham and that Joe Biden fought for that? These are all just rhetorical questions for which I don’t know the answer and based on the blaring silence I hear to date, maybe this is all what they want after all. If any single people-group listed here where to break with Joe Biden, it would be lights out. Being fearful means being gullible. Is there a Democrat willing to break from the herd running toward the cliff?
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