Trump stepped in it again with comments to the gang of four, or the ‘Squad’ – go back to your [country of origin]. Admittedly, impolitic, but I’m afraid, not entirely baseless. Some essayist, more in depth and eloquent than I, have made a distinction between those that want to transform the methodology by which the citizenry might be uplifted as compared to those that simply want to dispose with American shared values in favor of something else. I have news for the haters; whatever America is, it is not the ‘something else’. It isn’t Sharia law nor an internationally governed body. It’s legitimate to analyze each of the ‘Squad’ and question why they sought public office and what their goals are. Hell, it’s legitimate to ask that of any office holder and that’s what we do when each election time rolls around. It is entirely legitimate to call it out if the Squad’s positions match the social order of the places from which they or their constituency originated. If that’s what your agenda looks like, its fair game because you, princess, were elected to a publicoffice! America isn’t whatever you want it to be. It isn’t the Gaza Strip, Somalia, or Venezuela. It isn’t Scandinavia, France, Germany or Britain. It isn’t even what a majorityof people want it to be if that majority is at odds with the constitution.
No one needs to be reminded of the high-profile progressives that vowed to leave the United States if Trump was elected. (and perhaps a smattering with every president) The basic premise in that situation is that ‘There’ matches their values more than ‘Here’. Good riddance then. The point here is that leaving is a legitimate strategy for anyone that really doesn’t like it here. Do you feel me Hollywood?! Cries of ‘Racist’ are incredibly, intellectually lazy. If you/they don’t want to deal with any of the prior, you pull the racist card as your tool to disable any debate on the positions that led to this point.