Within the United States at this moment, there are about 70 million+, that believe that the Presidential election was stolen via industrial grade voter fraud. I am one of them. I have not rioted, nor do I intend to. Barricades erected in the event of a Trump win and subsequent ‘woke’ rioting have been disassembled. A winner has been declared, but not yet by formal process, nevertheless, few if any expect the course to be changed. The legal challenges to the election were credible. These included mathematical analysis (science ya’ll), eyewitness accounts of manual fraud, digital forensics, and obvious structural flaws created specifically under the guise of the pandemic, some of which would likely be nullified if they reached the right court in enough time. State election boards and courts, and most elected officials actually don’t care, even to include quite a few Republicans, even some that are not obvious RINOs. The overwhelming establishment consensus seems to be, ‘yeah, they cheated, let em have it, we’ll investigate and audit but otherwise just move on’. Underneath that seems to be the motive, that it creates a win-win-win. Biden crumbles quickly because he has something far less than a national mandate – a corrupt ‘win’, damage limited if the senate holds (likely true), Republicans get to move forward without Trump’s negatives, and they also clean up in 2022. Even the legal challenges seemed surreally void, maybe because they’ve just run the gambit of activist state officials, but certainly because even just the published evidence of illegalities, plain even to the layman, were summarily ignored. The frenzied press calls Trump ‘deranged’, his frenemies call him ‘irresponsible’; Obama-The-God calls him ‘dangerous’. There’s just one problem with all of this: you don’t just screw 70 million+ voters.
Metaphorically, the loaders and shovels, the heavy equipment that would dig a hole big enough to bury 70 million opponents to the new regime are being readied. There’s a lot of glowing hot hate that they had to pull out the extra ballots in the wee dark night to finish off the election. It is not time to heal, it’s time for revenge. Covid-19 provides enough cover to keep suppression going another year, maybe more, until new schemes can be hatched. There’s just one problem with all of this: The people your press flogged incessantly for four years and especially in the last year, they are not the same coming out that went into this.
The ‘Ministry of Truth’, big media and especially big social media; your masks fell off sirs. The people that were supposed to be on the team, the establishment folks, well their mask are off too. There are now three parties at least, Democrat, Republican-Establishment, Trans-party Conservatives [my titles]. The wheels are already in motion for conservatives to set up shop elsewhere. Not that everything is hunky-dory. Conservatism woke up too late to really intervene in this election theft. For whatever reason, that neglect also falls on Trump. That process has been opaque.
Biden is the beneficiary of not just a tainted election, but a stolen election and will be treated as such during his short reign. Hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of his voting constituency are already dead, senescent in nursing homes, or reside only in the person of party hacks, activists, and otherwise simply do not exist. None of these phantom voters will care a wit what Biden does as President. They won’t be around to choose congressional districts or fill state and county seats, the meat of government.
The 2020 election swipe won’t be a secret forever. There’s just one problem that even Biden and his handlers won’t master: you can’t hide your dirty laundry from 70 million+ voters.