For a long time, I admired Bill Gates. I knew of him as the force behind all things Microsoft (a program upon which I type at this moment), and for most, a love-hate relationship of ubiquity and bugginess. I got a cursory overview of his origins and career in Malcolm Gladwell’s popular breakdown, ‘Outliers’, chapter 2. When he decided he’d had enough of the for-profit life, he turned over the reins to others to devote himself to philanthropy on a grand scale. I regarded that move as a historical masterstroke, in stark contrast to many others in Big Tech, Apple’s Steve Jobs especially. Jobs died young of cancer and was the polar opposite of a giving tycoon, grasping billions so as to not lose a penny, not even for his flesh and blood out of wedlock offspring. But Bill was a good man.
I do not closely follow Bill Gates but being a news junky, he’s suddenly popped up in the news more than ever. For a long time, it was about famine relief, agriculture, toilets, tents, water collection, Aids, tropical diseases, especially malaria; these were the kind of projects he studied, traveled to look at in the first person, and then unleased his enormous wealth to invent, distribute, and publicize solutions. In this mode, he could do no wrong.
In the past, approximately two years, Bill Gates has taken a major turn, not just toward the left but toward associating with hyper-globalist causes and personalities. Many of these entail the restriction of American sovereignty, economic interest, and foundational constitutional rights. There is a great deal of ‘conspiracy theories’ circulating about Bill Gates. I don’t even care about them because it is more than adequate to just cite his chosen causes and cohorts. If you understand those, you understand Bill Gates based on what he’s chosen.
There’s a popular narrative oft repeated in the news the past year, that Bill Gates was the only one that foresaw the Covid pandemic. That’s summarily false. News providers that cater to a broad but more academic audience have been hypothesizing about the next imminent pandemic for several decades. Based on that information, I even called that shot at about 2014 in a small web-published article that’s no longer online. I didn’t have special knowledge; I only had the judgement to highlight it as an overdue cycle, the same as Bill Gates was doing the past few years. While Gates was being touted last year as a voice crying in the wilderness to all the hard-headed party-hearty masses, Donald Trump had assembled a workgroup to strategically plan a working pandemic response. Ultimately, that work led to the fastest vaccine development in the history of the world as Donald Trump steamrolled traditional government bureaucratic strongholds to get the job done. Was Bill Gates happy? Did he give Trump credit? If he was, I see no evidence in the news I read. Instead, Gates aligned himself with the exalted Grima Wormtongue of deep state public heath, Our Lord and Savior, Anthony Fauci.
Fauci deserves an expose’ book, not just an article. While he certainly participated in enough meetings, presumably contributing something to the Covid response, his flip-flops, his clear record of following and not leading, venturing well into politics way out of his lane, clearly signaled Fauci as an operative and not a public health official. His conduct and alliances since the beginning of the Biden regime have only reinforced that. To that sick horse of incompetence, Gates has tied his wagon, demonstrating highly politicized shadow activism, clearly at odds with his prior philanthropy.
Does Gates have a huge business interest in Covid vaccination? I don’t know and don’t care at this moment. He clearly doesn’t need the money. What I find far more problematic is his embrace of authoritarian models not supported by science, and that he’s taking on quasi leadership roles crafted around his presence – simply because he is Bill Gates, and accountable to no one for any outcome. Afterall, how could you denigrate a philanthropist? There comes a time when you must.
Just as high-profile as his Covid activism, Gates is fully vested in ‘climate change’, eliminating all fossil fuels on a timeline guaranteed to inflict great pain on western democracies, especially the United States, and endorsing technologies with significant cost benefit problems. In short, he’s aligned himself with the stated goals of global socialism, needed to carry out those energy policies. The sad irony is that these same political forces tend to bring a quick statist end to paradigm-shift technologies that would actually supersede our present clean-energy capabilities. (Think Elon Musk).
Bill is now a statist himself. Some may argue that he’s worked within capitalism his whole life and isn’t about to ditch it, that my conclusions are premature, way overblown, conspiracy theories. For all of the rest of us, you are identified by who you hang out with. I insist on the same judgement of Bill Gates.
Bill Gates’ home state of Washington is now under a siege from woke socialist, in fact, that whole corner of the country right now. I wonder if he’d ever speak to that and bring the same level of personal attention to his home that he brought to Namibia or Bangladesh? Afterall, his state originally nurtured his fortune. He seems to be primed to enforce in the macro on the rest of us, a lot of the same agenda that’s eating his home state alive. Maybe he could get more involved at home and prove his theories there first. Will he endorse the migration of Microsoft someday or will he conveniently have a mobile workforce remote in from red states?
I’m not saying that Bill Gates has turned all bad though it is incredibly irksome that he’d love to impose factory synthetic meat on all westerners. I wouldn’t be surprised if he indeed wanted to put a micro-chip in all of us – maybe one stamped with the tiny whole number 666, but I think we have a lot more present things to worry about with the role of Bill Gates in our life. In his well-publicized voracious personal reading, I hope he studies autocrats and technocrats, the history thereof; how they started out being enlightened darlings of their age, builders of benevolent kingdoms – until they were not. I hope he can see that his limitations of judgement are not the size of his ever-renewing bank-account. I especially hope that he is not too far gone in the embrace of politicized science. I hope he studies their opposition that have been scorned and cancelled due to the woke regime de jour. I hope Gates will still be remembered well someday. I hope he does not become the caricature that he’s starting to project.