There are roughly fifty million Democrats in the United States, many of them having lifelong family ties to the party, the party that was, in dad’s lifetime, granddad, and on back. The DNC is happy to have them under any premise, in fact they prefer it that way. Don’t ask too many questions, and certainly give no real answers when the questions are asked. I can say with confidence that a handful are defecting over the Biden Harris regime and over all the ruin they’ve made, but I see no explanation for the plain people that are staying with them. If only they really knew what and more importantly, who they’re really support, the man behind the joker mask, because it’s not Kamala.
The storm Helene hit the core of Appalachia, western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee, about two weeks ago and the area is still an isolated ruin. Biden /Harris ignored it for days, made a photo op of it for a few hours, and have since activated FEMA to further decimate, stifle, subjugate, and seize thousands of square miles of the devastated land for the regime’s objectives and priorities; not necessarily seizing land titles, yet, but figuratively yes. You were probably with me up to this last sentence. The storm Helene was a very public wakeup call of what FEMA had become, just another ultra-woke agency hijacked to serve the regime’s political and culture war objectives. Long gone are the days when FEMA was simply underwhelming and sluggish in responding to disasters; that seems like ‘Happy Days’ long ago; now they exist to serve illegal aliens and the feelings of homosexuals. But even more sinister was and are FEMAs efforts to shut down and hinder non-federal relief efforts and to cancel whole districts of majority Trump voters. When whole towns get washed away, how far does Kamala’s $750 go?
Under normal old fashioned political logic, the Democrat regime seeking to elongate their tenure, would have seen the destruction of Appalachia as a gift to use federal largess to push this semi-swing state, North Carolina, thoroughly into their fold for the election, now just weeks away, but other priorities called. In the height of callousness, they appear to have calculated that losing drowned conservative voters and voting places in conservative districts would offset that effort. They appear to be big picture type people; keep the illegal alien replacement voter train rolling at all costs on the national level and they’ll go ahead and gamble on losing North Carolina for now. It’ll pay off big in the end, right?
If Harris/Walz were to win, and that would only be by massive fraud if it occurs, we now know how rural and conservative America will fare under an extended Democrat regime based on Kamala’s condescension and how FEMA showed their hand in western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee. District 12 in Panem anyone? That might be an optimistic outcome. The condescension and hate that the regime holds for all such districts is unfathomable and these areas will be especially singled out for punishment and ‘reeducation’. Back to mom and pop Democrats that I started out with in this article; how many of you signed up for this? The first objective of your overlords is to obscure how they stiffed their ‘District 12’ after the storm but if an election goes their way and they move in for the kill, are you still on board? How invested are you in the raw exercise of power and the trampling of the constitution? Is your daddy’s party worth so much to you that a federal government in that parties’ control must treat its people like they did in Appalachia?
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