Hello from northeast of wherever you are. This website originates from northeast Maryland, northeast United States, but northeast is relative to where you are. The exact audience will be clarified over time, but the mission is clear: I believe people do like to read. These writings are meant to bridge the gap between a Twitter/Facebook post and full-length articles. The articles will be just slightly longer than a typical Facebook post but still something you can read in a couple minutes before heading out the door or standing in line at the checkout.
Like Facebook or most blogs, the writings will be opinion-oriented, thoughtful, and occasionally entertaining or funny. These writings are a continuation of my ongoing online writing established in 2014. I will gradually reintroduce some of my earlier work as time allows.
I hope to lure in a panel of other writers with promises of fame and fortune and to mitigate my own nuances. In this regard, three or four writers publishing in the same space are far more interesting than the same number shouting into the public void on their own. If interested, please hit me up on the contact page. Thank you for visiting this site.
Lee Jones
August 2016