Circumstance #1
Tucker Carlson Interviews Putin: In ordinary times, this would be of great interest to a certain set of people and irrelevant to most others. Now, it is an extraordinary event because of context. Tucker Carlson is not just a wildly liked or hated journalist; his ouster from Fox made him a spokesman for a movement. Putin is not just the leader of a widely panned Russia, he stands in contrast to the extraordinarily venal and senile vegetable, Biden. The Russian invasion of Ukraine contrasts with the Biden sponsored invasion of the US. Compare and contrast with the invasion of Israel by Hamas and the counter invasion of Israel onto Gaza.
I have yet to watch the interview and I have enormous respect for Tucker Carlson. I have respect for the acuity of Putin but still believe he is a war criminal and a tyrant of his own people. He has no respect for them. Reading back into Northeast Reader, you will note that I supported the defense of Ukraine and still do, even while I am deeply disturbed what our support has turned into, a peculiar fetish that appears to be hiding enormous graft, sort of a doorway to hell for endless money to who knows where.
In my reading of these contrasts, there is no neat final disposition. I support Carlson’s move to interview and expose whatever is exposed. I don’t believe it will change my mind about Putin or Ukraine or Biden or our own compromised congress. Let the chips fall where they may. Nevertheless, the greater and more enduring legacy of this event is and will be the new inability of the regime to control leaders like Carlson Tucker.
Circumstance #2
The Document Case Against Biden by Special Prosecutor Hur: I could hardly add anything to the wall-to-wall news coverage this case has developed in the past two days. The case speaks for itself. O, the ironies. The Democrats were hoping for an exoneration from blame over documents. What they got was a thorough condemnation of Biden’s ability to hold office. It was a wonder to behold the collective cold slap in the face as it tore through the Democrat base in waves, denial, and more waves.
I’ve made the case since the campaign that Biden was mentally incompetent. I’ve made the case that he is not really and has never been the true President-decision maker and that has been made clear many times over, sometimes out of Biden’s own oblivious mouth. In this respect, there is nothing new. His people have known it all along. We just get to watch them squirm as they wrestle with their own public exposure of what they wrought. Nevertheless, mental incompetence provides no cover for Biden, especially as he humiliates himself day after day, now, almost hour by hour. A gaffe or a rage by Biden used to be weekly news, now it is the only news about him.
We’re now officially in limbo. Biden could be removed at any time by the 25th amendment procedure and most Democrats want him out, many openly and many still in secret….but his cabinet can’t bring themselves to do it. There are no good options for a replacement. They know a brief Presidency by Kamala Harris would be a stake in the heart of Democrat races across the country and she wouldn’t have the excuse of senility to fall back on. Harris, Newson, Clinton are all deeply despised and tarnished so thoroughly, even now they hold back. Michelle Obama has been floated, even predicted by some of the most seasoned hard core political insiders. I say no, she [or he] doesn’t want it and if compelled to run will be utterly crushed. More significantly, every day that goes by disfavors their already bad hand. Tic Toc.
Maybe the most significant plot twist is that the Democrats have had a full scope of ‘election interventions’ in the works. I think most could all agree that these are comprised of misdeeds perpetrated on the election itself, ballots, voting machines and vote counting. The other forms are major and minor black swan events apart from the election itself. What good are any of these if you don’t have a real and viable candidate?
What these two cases of circumstance have in common is that they both represent events that are out of control of the people that usually control them. All the King’s horses and all the King’s men couldn’t prevent Tucker Carlson from damaging their preferred narrative on Ukraine to all the people in the United States; neither can they manage a neat exit and replacement for the raving and raging senile Biden. Moreso, the people whom they would control these events to are far more sophisticated then even just three years ago. Through hardships and error, they have learned. No one is going back.