The Left is all a-flutter about Israel’s take down of Hamas in Gaza. So we are told. It must be so because they’re risking it all to protest the military action, calling it genocide, seeming to think it’s all civilians, or maybe not in that they seem to know so little about why they protest. Protests are now at and exceeding some conditions that occurred during the Viet Nam war protests on campuses. These are the superficial optics. Delve into the news stories other than the ones produced by propaganda outlets like the New York Times and begin a process of elimination. Separate out all non-organic protests and see what’s left. Hamas, its allies, surrogates, and sleeper activists were involved almost from day 1 and no they don’t attend Columbia U. George Soros is dedicating considerable money to pay activists to attend. Antifa is there and on the payroll. Of the students involved, a surprising number are ignorant of why they’re even protesting. Who does that leave? It leaves some certainly as there is a genuine movement of antisemitism, some directly advocating for another Jewish Holocaust.
A third of the way around the globe, due east, here is the reality on the ground:
The Arab World consists of 22 countries in the Middle East and North Africa: Algeria, Bahrain, the Comoros Islands, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. The population of these countries is 464 million.
Israel is a total of 8550 square miles, a thimble amongst mixing bowls, A population of 9.5 million, 74 % of which are Jews. You could fit a hundred Israels into the rest of the Arab world.
Palestinians insist that Israel must die. No other lands will do. They are unwelcome in the entirety of the Arab world for a reason. They don’t want peace, prosperity, a future for their children. They don’t want to sit under a shade vine and rest from their labors. They have only one passion, the death of Israel. That’s why they embraced Hamas and still do to this very day. They could be promised land; they could be promised half, or two thirds of Israel, but that would never be enough. To them, there must be no Jews, no Israel and that is all they want. The ‘two state’ solution is a mirage.
Here in America, the left undergoes periodic deep cultural surges and spasms. The exact cause appears to be whatever is at hand. Viet Nam, Occupy Wall Street, George Floyd, destroy Israel and kill all the Jews [do not doubt that these are absolutely linked]. There is a similar cycle, globally, against the Jews, century after century, different countries, but annihilation is always the goal. These two historical waves, the impulse for violent leftist protest and the anti-Semitic movements, these are now correlated and synchronized, and they are useful toward each other’s agenda. Maximum and multi-front destabilization is an essential baseline for Marxist conquest and the entirety of the death-to-the-Jews faction is delighted to have any party distracting the powers that be from a resolute US response, even if it’s sodomites and transvestites they would otherwise promptly execute if they showed up on their own native community.
At this point, it’s almost secondary what goes on in Gaza as the protests here are just a multi layered exercise of anarchy for a whole list of constituents, but this needs to be said: Israel has a right to hunt and kill every last member of Hamas. Their sole reason for existence is to terrorize Israel and any of their own that do not cooperate with that agenda. When a people is so fully bound to the objectives and methods of Hamas, they become Hamas and all that implies. Palestinians in theory could, in whole or part, renounce terrorism and the destruction of Israel and they’d have land provided to them from around the whole Arab world, a trillion dollars, and the mercy of half the globe to rebuild them overnight, but they won’t do it.
War is hell. If your nation or militia decides to massacre a thousand or so civilians, you should expect no less than war. There’s no mulligan if the war you started was ill considered. Wars go on until one side is defeated or sues for terms of cessation. It is incomprehensible that the brilliant young minds of the Ivies and other notable institutions of learning have not learned this somewhere in their distant past history studies. It’s incomprehensible that the same young scholars that hung Ukrainian flags everywhere they could imagine, don’t understand the necessity for Israel to hunt and kill their aggressors, or moreover, think that gas chambers should be relit because they took action.
What should come of our protestors? Prosecute and deport the non-college students of course, that goes without saying, but just how innocent, or naïve, or evil are the ignorant students that can’t even define intifada? Put aside the notion that these kids are morally clueless, not to mention, morally negligent. They are rich. They are trust fund kids. ‘One does not simply walk into Columbia’, to steal a turn of phrase. These are kids that were and are amused by rebellion, great and small whether it was deceiving their parents on prom night in high school or skipping classes to hear talks sponsored by the local Hamas rep. They’re not in school for the education, they’re there because this is what kids of their esteemed class do, because dad and grandpa before him and his father did well in the stock market after the war and because the whole family legacy enterprise was and is only too happy to grease the skids for all today by jumping on the regime woke bandwagon. The parents are by no means off the hook. They made these upscale antisemitic little monsters and are themselves morally negligent if they remained silent while their spawn went off to be radicalized.
Every new generation of young Marxists waits in palpable beating expectation for the opportunity to hit the streets, earn the badge of their first sit in, their first tear gassing, first arrest. This is especially true of the guilt-ridden affluent. They’ve been primed with stories of ‘heroes’ for years down at Lenin’s Coffee Nook, or some leftist cell gathering. Now it’s their chance to make a name for themselves. I’ve had the acquaintance of a few of my generation that looked back warmly on their involvement in the 60’s street protests. The class that emerges now just had pimples a few short years ago when the last major street action took place. Maybe we can’t fully appreciate their excitement.
Youth and ignorance – even in today’s deficient preparatory programs – is no excuse when your supposed aptitude is enough to get you into an Ivy. If these kids came up short, consider this, their greatly tarnished job and life prospects, consider it a part of their education they missed when they skipped out on classes to hang out at Ibiza. In the meantime, their international age peers, male and female, in the IDF will take care of whatever business needs taking care of so that they’ll live to marry, make a new generation, and establish their place on this earth. There is no more profound contrast than this.
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