Why Apple’s Tim Cook doesn’t want his nephew to use social networks
Web Publication: Market Watch, by Mike Murphy
This brief article is not exactly news nor is it unique. Plenty of tech notables have confided their reservations about the Internet connected life; it’s actually kind of a thing now in Silicon Valley. I do think this instance warrants a footnote. Obviously, it’s Apple’s Tim Cook and that should be pointed out. What’s more important is that his view is targeted to social media. Social media seems to be undergoing a devolution simultaneous with its technical advances. It’s a war out there, [my words], so protect your kids. The other remark by Tim is advice to not try to mix technology with everything. “There are still concepts that you want to talk about and understand. In a course on literature, do I think you should use technology a lot? Probably not”.
Taking off on that theme, in addition to literature, I’d like to suggest a few more things.
Ten things to do and learn that are more real than computer/social media technology:
- Gardening, grow something, even if it’s just in a pot
- Walk somewhere at night, in the dark
- Learn a new cooking technique
- Spend an hour with a friend with no electronic devices in the room
- Visit your closest state park
- Go to an art museum
- Sit in a church service not of your affiliation
- Try an ethic cuisine you’ve never eaten before
- Connect with someone from your childhood or high school
- Visit your parents or nearest relative
You’re Welcome