On a ‘big picture’ level, we’re stuck in a very bad place right now. Domestically, we’re being subjected to a senile puppet enacting the furthest left agenda imaginable. Russia has destabilized much of Europe and sent economic shockwaves around the globe. China is our long term multi-dimensional threat, also with an expansionist and anti-West agenda. While these do not cover all that’s wrong in the world by a long shot, a good argument could be made that we all would be radically better off with a hope-beyond-hope resolution of these three areas. While any full ‘resolution’ might be elusive, we have a possibility of at least change, precisely on those three points*.
The first major change is all but written in the history books. Joe Biden will lose all hope of legislative initiative in six months, not that he really has any now, but by November 2022, he will have a Congress that plans on going on the offense against all that is woke and corrupt, to include him, his family, his administration and his party. What gets uncovered will shock the nation and will play out in a very interesting way in 2024. This all begins on November 9, 2022.
On Russia, I’ve made the case recently that Putin is on his last legs just due to health, and yet there is so much more. Given his trajectory, he could very well succumb to disease in a year or less, but even if there is a reprieve, his days are quite numbered. Add to that, the mounting defeats in Ukraine, an accelerating rash his top military officers being killed or stripped of rank, the fact that he’s sending in torture squads to punish his own forces for rebelling against orders, and finally, now rumors of an internal coup attempt. I see collapse on the horizon, less than one year.
China is in its own upheaval with out-of-control Covid that defies brutal lockdowns, resulting in much justified backlash for those measures. Their economy is faltering badly, and public discontent is significant. A report by the Washington Times suggests that Xi has already conceded defeat and will be replaced. I realize that his is little better than rumor, but it is worthy of wait-and-see treatment precisely because it is plausible given the extreme level of disruption within China domestically and in comparing this with regime changes there in the past several decades.
The story here is not any one of these three news projections, it’s what all three together mean. Timing is important. These events would happen sooner or later but not within a reasonable same time frame and not necessarily quickly. I suggest the strong possibility that all three could occur within a one-year window and as such will have a greater impact on the world than if they occur apart.
There’s certainly no guarantee that any of these will present automatic relief for what ails us and significant complications await us no matter what. The opposition to Biden seems to be well formed but we have little control over new ‘black-swan’ events that could occur on their watch. The successors to Putin and Xi could quite frankly be worse, more brutal, more ruthless. Their newbie status means that may rise quickly and fail quickly creating a quick succession of revolutions with chaotic outcomes. The best we can do in preparing for this is to understand that a short window of change will create unique challenges, opportunities, and dangers.
*Links are not provided for most of these points as I urge the reader to find the related stories on their own. There are too many details to cover here.