A regular Wednesday feature that takes a summary look at hot news issues surrounding Trump during the past week
Where Trump’s initiatives should succeed:
Paris Climate Treaty | This deal was rejected by Trump, lets just look at the outcome. This was an exercise in mass international group-think. America has shown leadership by not buying into the bullshit outcomes. While I have not read the deal and neither has anyone else within a 5 ½ degrees of Kevin Bacon reading this article, I believe that I’d agree with the physical actions (if there are any). Only now, in the United States, they will be carried out by entities volunteering their acceptance (or exceeding expectations) rather than forced and fined and probably cheated upon standards. The onerous global bureaucracy that would have otherwise profited from the signatories will not be enriched by the United States. Instead, we, business and government researchers, can spend money on R&D to continue to make a real difference. Indulge me one visceral reaction: I deeply despise group led coercion whether it be the cool kids back in high school, way-overindulged Hollywood panderers desperate to find meaning for their fake lives or the community of nations ever ready to exploit each other over symbolic interests.
More Comey | Comey is in the limelight in all his attention and headline grabbing glory. He is showing up for hearings with baggage. His credibility issues are neatly summarized in this piece by The Week.
Russian intrigue | The latest revelations this week are that the Russians hacked into our election systems in August of 2016. The story, disclosed to the The Intercept details how Russians hacked into a company developing election software. While this story may be grabbed by the left to perpetuate the impeachment narrative upon the uninformed, its actually back handed evidence that Trump was not getting it on with the Russians. They had to hack at it, just like any other cyber outsider. The Russians as well as their surrogate hacker army certainly needs to be countered and condemned, but at the end of the day, this story is not about Trump.
Sessions | Sessions is suddenly falling out of favor. Just as well. While I’m sure he has his good points, his draconian view of justice, particularly regarding the ‘war on drugs’ is a serious setback for civil liberties. Hopefully, a successor will change courses.
Where we should take a wait and see approach to Trump’s initiatives before we get the pitchforks:
Travel Ban from 6 Muslim nations | While a travel ban may ultimately be deemed constitutional and while I believe there may have been some logistical purpose for such a ban in the first weeks or months in office, it is a crude tool that should be superseded by a competent vetting system. Such a system should be in place now.
Shakeup | The Trump staff shakeup has taken a semi back seat this week but it is still in play. Some reports posted on line speculated that Bannon is the insider responsible for trying to take down Kushner. I’m inclined to agree. We may never know until it happens, but I suspect that if and when Bannon is ever removed, that place may become far quieter.
Where Trump’s initiatives should be reversed:
Lumping all Muslims together | We are in need of much greater sophistication about the place of Muslims in the developed world. When it came to Muslim interests, Obama was often groveling, gullible, and self-serving. Trump is another set of extremes: close minded, scapegoating and inflaming. This is not just Trumps problem either. Too much of America represents one or the other of these extremes. We need something in the middle that recognizes that Islamic people are not homogenous and that many are benevolent and grateful toward Western societies. We also need policies and laws that have -0- tolerance of Sharia law and any cultural component that denies a pluralistic free society. Imagine. Its really not so hard if you try.
Commentary by Lee Jones