Trump news this past week has been dominated by a healthcare reform bill, more Kelly Anne Conway, and the leaking of some tax returns. But underlying the headlines is the sense that this Presidency is settling down into something actually closer to old style establishment Republicanism. Gerald Ford maybe? This is not necessarily a bad thing and it’s certainly better than the picture of outsider chaos we got after the first week. I predict no one will be happy. Trump is still far too activist (or practical) for the left and the right is already agitated about the delays and compromises. Time will tell.
Where Trump’s initiatives should succeed:
Tax Returns | With much ballyhoo, MSNBC released some of Trump’s tax returns. No great surprises are found there-in. Given the shrill delight with which this was announced, MSNBC and leftist everywhere lost social capital by expecting the public to be gleeful CPA activist. Not. I’m happy Trump paid some taxes and don’t care about the details. Let the bean counters figure out the details.
Escalation of tensions with North Korea | The only way to stop mouthy bullies is to stand up to them. Positioning exercises in the region is a good first step. Prior administrations have given too much for way too little change from the North Korean regime and now here we are, far more threatened than ever by the little despot with deadly toys.
Where we should take a wait and see approach to Trump’s initiatives before we get the pitchforks:
Health care reform | On this plus side, Trump is sitting down and conferring with congressional leaders and others about where to take health care reform. That’s way more than could be said of Obama. On the negative side, the reform is taking the direction of just tweaking an already bad situation. If this was just one out of many possible progressive steps, that may be a good thing or it may just be perpetuating a bloated failed government. Listen to Rand Paul.
Reducing Federal workforce | Change must happen. The federal government is far too big. Based on continuous massive borrowing, not one little dime of this federal bureaucracy is paid for by real money. Reduction is the right thing, but there is a right way and a wrong way to go about it. Do it wrong and you’ll spend years cleaning up the collateral damage.
Where Trump’s initiatives should fail:
Kelly-Anne Conway and the spying microwave | Don’t even try to defend this. There are more than enough real government and privacy threats without having to resort to stupidity. If you have to keep her for some reason, please put KAC somewhere out of sight.