I’ve had a growing sense the past month that we’d see something like another 9/11 in our country. I made an explicit prediction on that recently. Right-winger (liberal vernacular for traditional American values) media suggests that Islamic terrorist are infiltrating flights out of Afghanistan and crossing the US-Mexican border. I tend to agree with that, not because I know of credible intelligence from real sources, but because it’s the next logical gaping hole in the wall of protection that’s being destroyed virtually overnight by Biden – what I call ‘The Bidening.’
There’s a trajectory to Biden’s ruin of the US– most specifically just now, foreign relations, security, immigration, and defense, and the only inaccuracy is how fast he’s doing it. I said that the next 9/11 would be different. Why would Islamic terrorists plan an attack that takes weeks and months to pull off when they could get as much or more effect from quick plans executed by groups as small as 3, 2 — or even a lone terrorist? Watch for suicide bombers in the US. Be careful NYC. If they could pull off multiple smaller attacks, the instability and public dread would be every bit as great as a 9/11. They now have the profound assurance that: a) Biden will not know how to respond; b) he and his staff will severely mangle whatever they try; and c) he may even try to blame it on conservatives in the crucial first hours and days. The psychological impact would be dramatic. You thought people have been afraid during covid-19, wait until they must wonder if our headless, daft government will even attempt any meaningful protection from real terrorists. Wait until people in NYC and elsewhere suddenly feel the same degree of fear as the people in Kabul. It was all giggles and laughs when Democrats were demonizing conservatives, but this will send a knife into the heart of the American psyche.
As a final aside, just this week, Joe has gone off script in a couple of his very brief pressers and signaled that he will be replaced soon. He’s literally just waiting for the order.