By the time this article is posted, it may already be dated, even though the latest events of violence against Asians are less than a week old. Protests were happening last week, the latest incident was the beginning of this week. Asians are being beat down in the street, literally, brutally. Counter to Big Media propaganda, the perps are overwhelmingly Blacks. The cities, ultra-liberal New York, San Francisco, etc. The Atlanta massage parlor shooting spree was more akin to the profile of an incel attack given the deep sexual angst of the shooter. It was not an Asian attack except that most backstreet massage parlors are exclusively Asian. Correlation does not mean causation, no matter what the CNNs of the world tell you. And just like that, even now, Big Media propagandist seem to be moving on. Maybe they’re uncomfortable with the facts that are gradually filtering out to the public.
The regime and Big Media propagandist have a hierarchy of racist causes and Asians are not at the top of that list, not even close. Of course, there should be no list but that’s beside the point. Asians were useful for a few weeks as a tool to beat down whites – rhetorically that is, but that was opportunistic to begin with. There were precursors and trends. For example, over the past months, Yale decided to discriminate against Asians and regard them the same as whites, this to advance other ‘minorities’ in their stead. Asians had gotten a pass on ‘white’ discrimination for a long while, but their exceptional academic abilities put a huge red bullseye on them. They now had to be lumped in with the evil white. In the hyper-racial mindset of our hyper-racist liberal progressive regime, ‘justice’ finally caught up with the Asian. Their larger and more enduring fetish, Blacks, needed their turf. A liberal has a vested interest to think this kind of puppetry is unrelated to Black violence against Asians; that notion is foolish.
You cannot canonize a race – and I use that word quite deliberately, treat them as martyrs, exempt them – at least high-profile cases and individuals, from laws, consequences, merit-based systems, and expect them to not take a cue in broader conduct toward their fellow. In that manner, liberal progressives are defrauding the Blacks of this country and it’s difficult to grasp the extent to which this is being internalized by members of that community. Guess who will be left holding the bag?
There are three classes of victims in this regime: whites, scapegoats for everything, Asians, being used by liberal progressives and as the victims of Black aggression, and Blacks themselves, who will ultimately pay the price for obscene coddling that I believe, most didn’t ask for or want, but are gradually being smothered with nevertheless; all to satisfy the whims and designs of the destroy-America-intelligentsia.