Then Queen Esther answered, “If I have found favor with you, Your Majesty, and if it pleases you, grant me my life—this is my petition. And spare my people—this is my request. For I and my people have been sold to be destroyed, killed and annihilated…
King Xerxes asked Queen Esther, “Who is he? Where is he—the man who has dared to do such a thing?”
Then Harbona, one of the eunuchs attending the king, said, “A pole reaching to a height of fifty cubits stands by Haman’s house. He had it set up for Mordecai, who spoke up to help the king.”
The king said, “Impale him on it!” So they impaled Haman on the pole he had set up for Mordecai. Then the king’s fury subsided.
Selections from Chapter 7, Esther, NIV
Most any Evangelical would be familiar with the story out of the book of Esther. Perhaps a broader range of people should include that story out of the Bible in their own education, not just for any specific religious reason but also for what it teaches us about civic life. There are two legal cases in motion right now, historic scale scandals; just one of these would be extraordinary, but we have two, both involving the persecution of Donald Trump. One occurred before and for most of his presidency, and the other occurred at the end and continues even now. What is becoming increasingly apparent as the legal proceedings transpire is that in both instances, those that thought they would put Donald Trump away forever are the ones that may ultimately be hoisted high upon their own petard.
As the Durham commission slowly windes its way through the investigation of those that orchestrated what ended up being a fake dossier to incriminate Donald Trump, a who’s-who list of democrat and deep state figures are caught up in its dragnet, slowly working its way higher up the official power ‘food chain’. Indictments and confessions and convictions started out with tertiary functionaries who were the foot soldiers in a scheme fully orchestrated by Hillary Clinton’s campaign. All of this was known during and at the conclusion of the Mueller investigation but there was not the will to prosecute the matter; not surprising when some members of Justice system are the criminals. Until now. Even now the involvement of cabinet level officials like National Security Advisor Sullivan are purported to have been in the know. Indictments may follow. But most significantly, the three people that matter most in this are also endangered; Hillary Clinton of course, but also Barack Obama and Joe Biden both of whom were certainly aware of the plot to fraudulently derail Trump. It was an election interference crime that turned into a coup attempt, the very thing that they tried to pin on Donald Trump four years later.
On January 6, 2021, this same team appears to have engineered a second attempt to construe Trump as a coup master. This second scandal at the end of Trump’s presidency is still unfolding. I’ll spare the details because this is even now still being researched and documented. Basic research has been done by Revolver with a series followed up by Carlson Tucker. Even in my own initial commentary about the ‘riots’ I speculated that the participants were idiots that got sucked into a trap but the more we learn, the more it appears they were pushed and pulled in. Consequently, hundreds are being held in literal gulags in DC. While the far left is too consumed with hate to view that with any objectivity, the Biden Justice Department is the literal Stalin in this equation and that should be sobering to any true civil libertarian if any even exists anymore.
The path back to Biden and Barack Obama is not yet as developed as in the first case but this is where the road signs point. Biden’s Justice Department is prosecuting the insurrection that they clearly spawned as a trap. They couldn’t nail Trump into a coffin at the 2016 election or during his Presidency and they needed a way to shut him out permanently from rightly pursuing an election they also stole from him (a third crime not discussed here) – to the ‘victors’ go all the spoils after all; what better way to do so than by a carefully crafted insurrection; what better way to tar and feather him on the way out of town so that he’ll never come back?
Be sure of this: Re 1/6, Merrick Garland is not adjudicating the law, he is executing orders. Watching him squirm and deflect in hearings about the role of the Justice Department on 1/6, this should be plainly obvious to anyone not spinning themselves an ideological cocoon to hide in. Garland is the smoke hiding the fire. Biden has a great deal at stake in this as well. When Russia-gate finally reaches back to him he would then love to have a successful prosecution of 1/6 to buffer himself against that day. Instead, he’ll be fully exposed. It’s unfortunate that he’ll likely be dead of natural causes or being spoon-fed watery oatmeal by the time this takes place, but mark my words, it’ll happen. And Barack Obama, the slickster whom in his own arrogance, is sure that he’s adequately covered his tracks, both of these scandals will eventually find him as well; perhaps too late for true justice, but not too late to at least be impaled high up on the metaphorical pike called history. His name will someday be cursed by those that only know him as a past President’s name.