Given the title of this piece, it would be good to start this thought exercise by stating a few ground rules, not the first time I’ve stated them. Every person is born either an XY or an XX, the chromosomal ID card encoded at a cellular level designating your gender; everything else is lifestyle choice or coercion, and make up, including the cosmetic surgery. No one transitions to the genitals of the opposite sex, one can only have a crude facsimile of those organs built from repurposed parts. If you’re an adult that chooses to be transgender, fine, but just three conditions: one) that I don’t have to help pay for your lifetime dependency of hormones, drugs, and surgery, two) that you don’t confuse, deny, and pervert the existence of real biological women or insinuate yourself into their innate sorority, and three) keep you g-d hands off of all the children, those who are not legal adults. These are not three suggestions or three requests, it’s the line drawn in the sand. Furthermore, to the trans-woke, I didn’t ask for your perverted definition of hate and I don’t care what it is. You’re the aggressor. These are terms of civility, not of endearment.
The current trans movement is an enigma to me. By that, I don’t mean: why would someone want to turn trans? There are multiple possibilities and I respect that decision for adults, but I don’t have sympathy for the would be transitioner or transitioned. I don’t feel for your angst and fears before or after the conversion. You have options including psychiatric care as well as substantially forming your life around others of your same persuasion, the same as every other person in an open society. You individually, are not a problem to me personally, and I am not your problem, until you choose to make it so, for which I’ll respond accordingly. The behaviors and outlook of transitioners have rapidly changed in the past year. Some of you went militant. I cannot quantify what percentage of the transgender cohort did so, I’m sure you must be aware, because the far left woke regime has taken up your cause and because both you and they have pointedly neglected to disavow even the obvious terrorist in your midst; and having made it a central plank of their agenda and identity, you’re now a monolith, you are one with your violence embracing wing. That is the enigma. You and they chose war.
You choose war, you choose offense, affront, campaign, conquest, and then feign the tears of a bitter angry little girl after you’ve done so, attempting, and expecting to bludgeon your ideological foes into submission while holding a gun to our heads, as we saw just two weeks ago, literally. In fact, not only are the preponderance of mass killers mentally disturbed, they/you are becoming overwhelmingly the gender dysphoric mentally ill mass killers, all the while your leftist woke regime powers-that-be now routinely blame the victims in the name of some sick tranny justice. That is an enigma for which there is no cure.
There are other culpable parties, doctors for instance, pushing and profiteering off the tsunami of drugs, hormones, and surgeries. Some transitioned have already come clean and admitted they were snookered. If you and they were coerced as minors, I’m with you in seeking justice. For all others, there is nothing but to live with your decision even if others were complicit. You had the overwhelming witness of the rest of humanity that dealt with their issues before the mutilating medical community and your far left woke politicians turned this into mass movement. You were not dumb, but you were willful. This makes it even more egregious when you damn a little child to the same ruin that you chose freely. As for the far-left regime machine that’s now pushing this wholesale, they are as Josef Mengele. If there is a hell, they, perhaps you, will surely sit side by side together.
Does this sound harsh? For a proclivity demographic that has enablers, fans, government, education, media, entertainment, and supplicants abounding, why would you need anyone else to fall at your feet and lie to you?
The point of this is that even your critics can hardly admonish you without some caveat of sympathy and far too many are already bludgeoned into silence. I offer only an example of speaking direct truth.
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