What is hate? One of the most profound beachheads in the American culture wars, established by far progressive activists, is the hijacking of language. I’m hoping and waiting for an enterprising conservative linguist to devote the topic to a full-length book but in the meantime, you’ll have to settle for me. Language has been hijacked before, always in times of revolution but the last time anyone observed something on the scale that we see today was mid-century totalitarians. Out of all the words appropriated by progressives, ‘hate’ may very well be the number one weapon of choice.
1a: intense hostility and aversion, usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury **
In the grandest of linguistic ironies, the Merriam Webster dictionary has described in the fullest manner possible, the emotional disposition of the progressive left most used to leveling the charge of hate against all others, most frequently, conservatives. You see, hate is grounded in emotion, a sentiment, a feeling, a visceral internal reaction forming in the emotional and cognitive areas of the brain.
1b: extreme dislike or disgust: antipathy, loathing
How do progressives now apply their favorite word to all persons conservative? They apply it to constitutionally protected actions (protesting), tangible intellectual property (books – and in a fit of rage, they burn those books), vocalizing any conservative viewpoint dissenting from their own orthodoxy (discussion, speech)
2c: a systematic and especially politically exploited expression of hatred, [ie] a crime motivated by bigotry and hate
So now we get to an area where progressives feel especially emboldened until you observe that they have confused the tenses, the order of operations. They read this as: your bigotry and hate – starting with the presumption that they know the emotional construct dwelling inside the brain of a man or a woman [happily inserting ‘hateful’ binary thinking here]; which then reads, your bigotry and hate is the crime. Of course, the only proper understanding is that an actual crime is the tell of a motive, which may or may not be hate. A crime is a tangible event that behooves others to find a motive and from that, also reconstruct an even more fundamental emotional root. Even then, the pathology is often no better than conjecture.
1a: to feel extreme enmity toward: to regard with active hostility
If this is not the progressive monolith ca 2021 I don’t know what is.
2a: to have a strong aversion to: find very distasteful, to express or feel extreme enmity or active hostility
Once you’ve committed the presumed crime of thought and emotion, you will be tried in the high inner sanctums of Twitter or Facebook court, receiving your due recompense of social annihilation, or perhaps cancelling, professional oblivion, a scorched earth war against your lawful business, and of course last but not least, your eternal blacklisting within every circle that could possibly matter to you…[pause]… No potential of extreme emotional distress coming from your accusers, right?
Let’s try this in action. I think progressives are very misguided. That alone is construed as ‘bigoted’ – a sort of analog to hate. But really, I think many progressives are really misguided meanspirited jackasses. This is my true observation and feeling. There, I didn’t even need to commit a real crime, a real illegality to let you – if you be a progressive reader, to let you know what was in my brain. I told you, confessed it right out loud. So if you be of the ‘seething’ left as I have observed many of the left to be, you may be presently thinking how best to ruin me because, you see, you are emotionally engaged are you not? “Let the hate flow through you.” Your next thought and act might well be how best to cancel me, to silence me. If you’re from Big Tech, Google perhaps, certainly you have the tools to limit distribution of this message because you fear me and you don’t want others to stop fearing you and your cancellation juggernaut. You fear free thought and free speech and call it ‘hate’. If you find yourself in agreement with my self-identified condemnation, on top of everything else, you are also an evil – misguided meanspirited jackass. So which gulag will you send me to? Notice that I did not propose to cancel you, I merely said what I think of you. Therein lies the difference.
The act of cancelling and all that it entails is the epitome of hate. It’s your feelings vrs. your victim’s livelihood; not exactly symmetrical. It begets tangible acts of ruination that have historically been associated with crimes committed under totalitarian regimes, which the present woke revolution is rapidly coming to resemble. Someday, students will have history books describing the fallen revolution of 2020-2021.
If you’re conservative, I hope you can see one thing and that is, you don’t have to cower in fear and bow down the progressive weapons of language with which they try to beat you into submission. Fight back. You very well may get cancelled or persecuted in some way. It won’t be forever, and new channels will open. Stand up to them and do not doubt your own sanity.
Note: ** definitions adapted from Marriam-Webster online dictionary