With the imminent purchase of Twitter by Elon Musk, I’m finally in, cautiously. Originally, I stayed out because of its reputation as a snake pit. Ain’t no time for that. Over the years, I choose to at least selectively engage with the perimeter of some progressives on other social media even though my message is not for them, but rather for conservatives and the great many somewhere in the middle. My own orientation used to be centrist, center conservative, or libertarian conservative. My online experiences viewing and speaking with the bigotry of open progressivism have made me far more conservative but with a few quarks. No one is pure. ‘Left’ and ‘Right’ used to mean something but because progressives have destroyed language, those terms hold no relevance anymore except as blunt weapons of rhetoric, nevertheless, I’ll use them occasionally myself just as a convenience to a reader. The past three years I learned of the extent of autocratic control the Twitter board and management exercised over the forum. To that, I said, “hell no”. Then along came Elon Musk. While I think he’s misdirected in shooting for a colony on Mars, I fully trust his instincts for Twitter. I’m encouraged that many far-left progressive staff and management of Twitter have shown their true colors and that a fair number seem to be leaving. Their dissembling excuses for dictatorial control of speech and cancellation of any opposition to their politics and woke values are incredibly self-serving, disingenuous, and intellectually vacuous. They can’t defend their narratives against facts, so they’re taking their marbles and going home. Don’t let the back door slam you in the ass people.
I, via Northeast Reader, am and probably will remain a low volume commentator. I don’t have to say anything, but then again, I must. The best way for conservatism to prevail is if a billion voices speak for its values. I’m just one. If anyone is reading this as their first introduction to Northeast Reader, first, don’t expect perfection. Second, acquaint yourself with the About page. Finally, I recently listed a survey of selected articles that might give a good background of my approach, but even there, I’m still evolving in my stances and writing. Stay tuned.