Normally when we talk about shame, we’re talking about young people that do stupid things that they wouldn’t do if older and wiser. But out of all of them, none can compare to the shame and audacity that is seen in our current political climate particularly as demonstrated by the Biden administration and his supporting cast so with that let’s take a look at it several very high-profile examples. This set of officials continue to distinguish themselves in the most horrendous ways but the focus here is not just on them but on the topic of shame. We’re in new uncharted waters in how persistent these people embrace and revel in their own shameful audacious official acts. Back in the day, meaning less than five years ago, when a public official did something shameful they resigned such as was the case with Senator Franken in 2017, caught up in the me-too moment. When someone did something that was an embarrassment to their party, they resigned; they fell on their sword as an act of honor toward themselves and to uphold the reputation of their team. That may as well have been fifty years ago. Today these guys do far far worse and yet they harden their face, cover their ears, set their jaw hard, and not only continue their shame but do so with determination. For this, there is no precedent whatsoever in American public life.
Mark Milley, Joint Cheifs of Staff, Lloyd Austin, Secretary of Defense, and Antony Blinken, Secretary of State, presided over the worst military debacle in a generation, in Afghanistan, and when it was all said and done would only shift blame. They had spent many months prior to this pushing a woke ‘rainbow agenda’. They even flew a gay pride flag over the embassy in Afghanistan in the preceding months. How ironic; that seems to really represent who was running operations there so that there was little surprise that the entire civic government and diplomatic core was literally run out of town. If it weren’t so sad for the hundreds of thousands or millions of people that consequently faced lethal consequences, the whole thing would have been laughable. Even now we have 400 plus citizens stuck there two and a half months after the event. Like Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller said of the top military commanders, they should have taken their medals off and slammed them down on the table rather than accept the directives a clueless, arrogant, senile, stubborn commander-in-chief. This should have been even more fitting for military officers with a heritage for whom honor used to be a far more important virtue than your average citizen. Instead, they had no shame, they clutched a chest plated with service medals, and remain in the office to this day.
Anthony Fauci, NIAID Director, is the guy now embroiled in multiple scandals, from verified lying countless times about what he knew about the genesis of Covid and our response to it, and to actually sponsoring the program that brought Covid to the world and has killed millions of people, to now we learn, that he sponsored and paid for research that tortured and killed puppies in the name of science even when it contributed nothing to the research that couldn’t be found out other ways. The sheer audacity of this guy is mind numbing. We essentially have a real-life Mengele in the employment of our own government and on top of that, he’s literally the highest paid employee in all of government. Obviously, he’s protected and is serving at the direction of others with a truly insidious globalist agenda but why would we not expect Fauci to take personal responsibility for his own colossal moral misjudgment and get out of the way? Maybe it’s ridiculously impossible for the common man to understand the ego of such a Mengele or any other high-powered globalist operative; once you’re single handily responsible for killing several million people, maybe you look at the world in a different way but to such individuals guilty of these crimes, we can’t help but wonder if they have no soul. Therefore there can be no shame.
Merrick Garland, Attorney General, is a character whom many old establishment types at one point claimed to have had respect for. I don’t share that opinion based on what I’ve seen over the past six months. Here is a guy who on the one hand claims to be following every dot and cross tee of the law, and yet is willing to bulldoze the Constitution at the behest of his handlers. In recent hearings, he’s done this with a straight face with a locked jaw, and with generous doses of silence when he simply refuses to answer direct questions. Man of honor? How can someone trained in the law at the highest levels, look at generation after generation of legal minds and scholars that embraced a constitution which protected the people and not the government, and then attack Americans looking out for their own and their children’s rights and call them terrorists? Here there is no honor, there is only shame. At this point in time no one could reasonably expect Garland to have an ‘aha’ moment and realize then he’s just a functionary in an oppressive partisan government and that he’s departed from defending the common American citizen. He has inverted that principle: to him, the function of law is to enable state control of the common man. Whatever honor was in his past, he’s now nothing more than a hitman in high office obediently waiting to whack whomever he’s ordered to whack. I see no sign of shame or remorse.
Pete Buttigieg, Transportation Secretary; Mayor Pete as he was known just a year or so ago, was appointed to a sleeping cabinet position that was heretofore perceived as the domain of old men with hair coming out of their ears making decisions about whether to spend billions on bridges to nowhere. I suppose that figured into why he took the job to begin with because he didn’t have to do anything except watch money go in and out the door; but surprise-surprise, a once in a generation crisis has occurred on his watch almost entirely spurred by the policies of the administration which he serves; and where is Mayor Pete? Suckling his new adopted children, adopted of course, because well, you know why… There was a day in which an honorable man, especially any working man would never have been caught dead shirking the duty and responsibility of his job. There’s also a very long tradition of upper class and highly responsible business and government folk having the good sense to hire a nanny so that they could fulfill the core functions for which millions and millions of people depended upon them to do, but not Buttigieg. He wanted the full maternal experience. I see no clue in the news that he has the slightest bit of regret for his choice. As a matter of fact, I see no evidence to suggest that anyone else in the administration has any shame for allowing this to transpire. Consequently billions, maybe trillions of dollars of economic activity will be slowed, hundreds of millions of families will experience higher cost out of their very small pocket so that mayor Pete and have a quality moment with his babies. Picture a low income parent having to pay 10-20-30% more for baby formula off of a $16 per hour wage and multiply that X many billions of hardships and you begin to have an idea of the human tragedy occurring just so Mayor Pete, Transportation Secretary in the Biden administration, could suckle his kid.
Joe Biden, Presidential Figurehead, of course he leads in this list of shame. He sits atop all of the aforementioned blunders and dozens or hundreds of others from the border humanitarian crisis, to ushering back in something shaping up to be worse than 70’s style inflation and economic disaster, to a totally blown Covid response even after Trump handed him a vaccine and distribution plan on a silver platter. Now he is authoring the largest disenfranchisement of Americans since slavery by his ham-fisted vaccine mandates. So, is there any shame at all here? No. He’s watched his poll numbers plunge faster than any other modern President and he doesn’t even blink. We’re not even sure he has the basic cognizance to understand any of this that’s going on around him. What’s historically unique in this case is that regardless of the political orientation of every modern President that came before, when they watched their plans fail and their numbers plunge, they stopped, reconsidered, amended their course, or pretended to, even if they had to lie to give that impression. Joe? He finds another group to savage and alienate, he stubbornly doubles down on oppressive policies, using spiteful rhetoric. While he absolutely should be in a nursing home and while ‘his’ agenda is being forced through his office by others (especially Barack Obama), the derogatory, spite and contempt he holds is thoroughly his. When you read the back story to his whole career, you see that throughout its entirety. He feels no shame or regret, and never has; but surely, shame, is how he’ll be regarded a hundred years from now.