I’m constantly struck by the degree with which the progressives and anarchist torture and abuse language to say the diametric opposite of what words actually say. You have to hand it to them, they’re good at what they do. Witness Jen Psaki; I can’t think of a more effective worm-tongue, day after day avoiding, spinning, evading every effort to stick her with what’s obvious to everyone else on the planet. I do not endorse professional deception. Nevertheless, language is currency and conservatism needs to significantly up its game.
Words influence people. Sometimes it’s a homerun hit out of the park, but more often, it’s just messaging constantly blasted at people in a dozen different variations until the subject’s brain surrenders. Conservatives need to better understand both methods.
‘Voter Access’ = permanent federalized election fraud
‘Fight Climate Change’ = legislate socialist policies
‘Green’ = progressive
‘Equity’ = redistribution of wealth
‘Hate’ = universal stigma for all conservatives
‘Fascism’ = reverse projection of all anarchist methods and ideologies
‘Lie’ = unpopular truth
All of these one word or short zingers are wielded to mask the words true meaning, short circuit resistance and silence rebuttal. I do not believe conservatives have adequately met this challenge. Conservatives have no shortage of deep insightful and persuasive argument to meet these and dozens of other issues. The problem is that conservatives have little to no correlating response to the constant and ubiquitous short jabs, particularly the ones that are being dumped onto the heads of less engaged Americans on a daily basis, by media, entertainers, and politicians.
Conservatives need a better strategy, we need messaging, we need to choose the fewest words possible to convey ideas, we need linguists, English majors, and social media strategists to find those words.
There are several components to engaging and winning a rhetorical war – in our case, a war that some could argue is being lost because of our failure to influence masses about progressive deception, the war of words. In our case, it is obvious there is no strategic leadership in messaging because unlike the progressive juggernaut, we are not using a unified lexicon of select words to convey our ideas. Its every man for him/herself. We need leadership to sponsor, find, test, and coordinate the conservative message to the general public. We need far more outlets to get our message out to Joe and Jane. That message will be broadcast primarily through a smartphone devices. We need to invent new formats to convey our message, especially in video. We need to be independent of regime platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.
It all starts with words, with language. Where are the English majors?