Is it really a post Trump world? While the election is not conceded, a preponderance of sources suggest that this current chapter is over. Even the unhinged alarmist does not seem to believe their own wild conspiracy theory [ha ha!] that Trump will need to be dragged from the Oval Office. Trump promises to run in 2024. There is no practical advantage to advocate for or against that probability at this time because a lot of events, domestic and foreign will happen in the interim. Trump does promise to not go away and to that, I have no disagreement. Unlike Barack Obama, the one that ran a shadow coup attempt prior to and during most of the Trump administration, Trump will continue to lead his base openly after turning over power. So, who are the other power interests at this juncture?
The Senate, of course: The senate takes on the most urgent significance, perhaps, in its entire history. I hope and believe that the Republican majority will prevail in the two Georgia run-offs but only because the security will be so heightened that the Democrats will not be able to steal those elections so easily. The senate will be the guardians of America during Biden’s promised long “dark night”.
Conservatism: The most significant shift in American politics since the realignment of southern Democrats in the 1960’s has just taken place. Conservatism has broken away from its false stepbrothers: establishment interests and ‘neoconservatism’. The second aspect to this split is an irony, that conservatism will now exist as a digital media movement, forced into the arms of technology by Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg. Chances are high that Trump will execute his strategies from digital platforms. The war against conservatism will then also be a war against digital platforms and likely even the infrastructure of the WWW, even down to Internet routing protocols. For this, there is ample precedent in regimes such as Iran and China.
The Committee: Who is the committee you ask? These are the silent and invisible powerbrokers that managed a senile Biden into candidacy and election and significantly, also managing the choice of Harris as running mate. Proof? It’s just my opinion; follow the money trail and get back to me if you think I’m wrong. Follow George Soros’ money. This cabal will not rule absolute simply because other pawn interest groups described here are absolutely sure that they made all the difference – and as a one person one vote concept, they’re right; nevertheless, I predict something less than perfect cooperation between the committee and of the other victorious interest groups.
The only TRUE Biden base, Washington insiders and international grifters: The primary interest of this group is raw power and unlimited money, perhaps in that order. These are the people that the deeply corrupt Joe Biden came from, the fraternity that covers for each other. They will cooperate with ‘the committee’ for a while but will eventually find themselves at variance, simply over the matter of power. This group has no interests in being the vassals of bigger fish in a bigger pond. They can be bought with cash, but their egos will not fit the long-range agenda of Bidens ultimate underwriters. Again, just my opinion, no conspiracy theory here. I just observe patterns and speculate on the trajectory of those patterns.
Deep Blue: These are the college professors, the Elizabeth Warren’s, Nancy Pelosi’s, Chuck Schumer’s and Andrew Cuomo’s of the party. Idealists behind identity politics, BLM, and heavy taxation etc. These guys will be in for a long happy ride with Biden, but not forever. Democrats are always an uneasy alliance. Back in the day, they used to be against the establishment, for real, like back in the 60’s. Someday, they’ll wake up and understand just how much on the take the establishment wing is and have some far off memory of when they stood against it. When they see certain military industrial complex contractors living like Silicone Valley moguls and also bombing babies somewhere in the middle east, maybe their conscience will be pricked just a little, maybe – or maybe not. This group never stays happy for long.
The AOC, the Squad, the radical BLM and Antifa left: These people are out for blood and they want it served up hot right now. This honeymoon is over the morning after. I predict these interests will become full-fledged domestic terrorists. They’ll be tolerated for a short while before the other parties realize these people see themselves as the only interest of the Democratic party, of course jeopardizing all the others continuance. This group will a the topic of discussion in further essays.
Left Lite: These are the Johnnie-come-latelies that discovered their ‘true’ liberal instincts in their passion to be rid of Trump. They didn’t like him because he said bad things to hurt other people’s feelings. That’s how deep their liberalism runs. The left lite will be the ones most truly homeless in the new equation. They have virtually no ideological heritage with liberalism. They were loved for their vote and now they have no other part at the table except the next election – sort of like a lot of minorities now that I think of it.
Neocons and other professional never-Trumpers: These people think they are true believers in something, take themselves quite seriously, have egos, and think they too have a place at the Biden table. In reality, they’re going to find that they’re hated by true liberals, true Democrats, and obviously, all conservatives because of their Benedict Arnold streak. They’ll struggle alongside of their Establishment friends close to the Biden camp but ultimately, come to realize they came into the equation with crumbs on their shirt, soon to be ostracized, soon hated.
The elderly: There are some elderly that liked the sweet nostalgic sweetness of the old Biden they remember so well. On January 21, 2021, they’ll wake up to learn first, that they’ll spend another year in solitary confinement. Fine they say; but they’ll also get acquainted with ‘Dr Doom’ (Ezekiel Emanuel), the one on Biden’s Covid team that believes life basically ends at 75 years of age. I, like most aging people, are quite fine with making directives to not unnecessarily extend life during sickness and disease. Vet few of us like the idea of the government making those decisions for us. Dr. Doom’s ideas are unsettling programmatic. Hey grandma and grandpa, that ballot you gave to the nice guy coming through the retirement home; guess how he voted for you?!