Today, Mike Pence is reported as saying the Republican Party should stop lashing out at the FBI. Reading into the detail, he also suggested that we, conservatives, could hold the Attorney General responsible for the politically motivated Trump home raid without disparaging the rank-and-file FBI agents…. *Takes a deep breath*…. First, we need to understand that Mike Pence is staking a political spot on a narrow field. He wants to distance himself from Trump while he’s still disturbed by the raid. And once we dispense with that bit of meaningless minutia, we must wonder what planet Pence is on.
Neither Pence not Trump have control over every last yahoo from out in the woods that might go off on an FBI agent, and yet, Trump is the only one that will be held personally responsible for any irrational act by any irrational individual. Pence seems to quietly take advantage of that asymmetry without acknowledging it. In the broader picture, there are no calls to upend the FBI rank and file as he apparently wants his would-be supporters to believe. The leadership of the FBI is another matter though. It’s telling that he leaps to the AG with blame and skips over FBI leadership, Wray, former director Comey, et al. While Garland is despisable (and impeachable) in his role as Minister of Opposition Persecution, he is ultimately just one cog in the deep state machine.
Pence’s feigned ignorance here, as a conservative, is disturbing. While Garland is signing off on orders from his handlers, like a good obedient tool, it’s the FBI that is the leading edge, the boots on the ground, in the true insurrection against the United States, by engineering the attempted removal of a democratically elected President before and during the 2016 term, and staging the ground work to try and keep him from ever being elected again, both at January 6 with the Mar-a-Lago raid, and undoubtedly, an awful lot in between as we’re likely to learn. I would warn Mike Pence, this is not what an FBI is chartered to do.
The bigger question is: is the FBI reformable? How many layers would have to be cut and scraped away to rid the FBI of their now identity, the KGB wing of the Democrat party? I’m certainly in no position to count down through those layers but the answer is, as many as it takes. And no Mike Pence, that is not waging war on the rank and file, the red herring you proposed.
And as for Mike Pence, any candidate, claiming to be conservative, that would dissemble over what is plainly the FBI-led assault on integrity in federal law enforcement, even if or especially if it’s for the purpose of trampling on your future electoral opponent, you have no business representing conservatism or Republicans. That kind of ‘conservatism’ more resembles the establishment GOP dinosaurs that are finally being laid to rest, hopefully for good. Maybe you should see if you can team up with someone in the Bush family in your run for office.