You have to be of a certain vintage to know about Norman Vincent Peale. His heyday really began in the 50s and extended into the 70s as his book, ‘The Power of Positive Thinking’ soared from positive sales. I’m sure you can still find it today. It was the type of book that grandmothers found […]
The Trump Scorecard 5/10/17
A regular Wednesday feature that takes a summary look at hot news issues surrounding Trump during the past week Where Trump’s initiatives should succeed: The firing of Comey | At various times throughout the campaign including about a week ago, the Hillary camp was calling for Comey’s head. Now they want Trump’s head. Comey was […]
The Trump Scorecard 5/3/17
A regular Wednesday feature that takes a summary look at hot news issues surrounding Trump during the past week The Trump Scorecard 5/3/17 So much of the Trump news is not about Trump himself but about a great deal of commotion by others attributed to him somehow because of who he is. This is not […]
Stephen Colbert Shows The Real Stephen Colbert
I used to like Stephen Colbert, just like millions of others. His Colbert Report was funny and well played, so much so that people like me felt that here was a man nuanced enough to wrap his liberalism in enough humor that he came off as balanced, above it all, and well …nuanced. Stories of […]
Woodward Misses the Fake News Mark
Bob Woodward, an esteemed journalist for the Washington Post, is quoted in a story from The Hill, declaring “Mr. President, the media is not fake news”. Part of me can sympathize with Bob Woodard. He is a storied journalist with a rock solid reputation of calling the shots as he sees them. His remarks come […]
The Trump Scorecard 4/26/17
A regular Wednesday feature that takes a summary look at hot news issues surrounding Trump during the past week Where Trump’s initiatives should succeed: Ivanka to Europe | This is the image burnishing trip that can only improve our standing with a skeptical and dismissive European elite, particularly German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, after her frosty […]