Trump will be re-elected if the economy holds out. Someone suggested that the only campaigning Trump needs to do is broadcast what the Democrat candidates are saying. True. For generations, it was ‘about the economy stupid’ and then we went through a spell where that wasn’t quite the case. Certainly, it wasn’t during the Obama […]
What is America Anyway?
Trump stepped in it again with comments to the gang of four, or the ‘Squad’ – go back to your [country of origin]. Admittedly, impolitic, but I’m afraid, not entirely baseless. Some essayist, more in depth and eloquent than I, have made a distinction between those that want to transform the methodology by which the […]
The Assault Intensifies
The week of July 4, 2019, we American’s further polarize. Consider the following not as analytical, but more as a stream of consciousness instead. We could poll ourselves to death and we could come up wrong anyway. So this week, Nike bailed on America at the prompting of an unemployed athlete who is an expert […]
Category Announcement: New Ideas for Candidates
This post is an announcement of a new category of writings. We’ve started a presidential election cycle. Within that context, I’ve made it a habit to comment on specific candidates based mostly on their policy positions, but also on their history, opposition to their campaigns, or what they signal about their own character. In a […]
Bernie and Student Loans
Bernie wants to shell out 1.5 trillion and forgive all student debt. That’s giving away OPM – ‘other people’s money’. Can you imagine having just paid off your $50k loan and then have that happen – and then get taxed for everybody else’s education costs on top of that? Then, what about next year’s college […]
Opinion 6/1/19
This might be the briefest opinion piece I do; times they are busy right now. Meme-speak: Whether your conservative or liberal, I don’t care; if you’re primary mode of publicly communicating your politics or personal ethos is conveyed by meme, you are a friggin idiot. If you have a college degree or otherwise come from […]