I get it, the deep state had an absolute mandate to crush the anti-deep state Trump, and come hell or highwater – damn the people. Of course, this is not over, in fact, it’s just starting. Trump knew what he was getting into, but then again, he didn’t because he was forced to keep hiring […]
The Absolute Conundrum of the Covid Fear Crowd and Its Impact for Covid Vaccinations
We’re already living in a post pandemic country. Sure, there are still cases, some states having mini surges, but the real parameters are well within the scope of other infectious illnesses. In spite of this, liberals are stuck in grave fear. I’ve seen this up close and personal on Facebook, reading the comments of people for […]
A Tale of a Country That Uses State Sponsored Suppression, Just Like Russia
If you follow international news, you may be familiar with top stories coming out of Russia. One of the top ones is an ongoing saga concerning the dissident, Alexei Navalny. Navalny is a major critic of Putin. Consequently, he has been persecuted. He was poisoned in an assassination attempt and came within a breath of […]
A Snapshot of the Biden Loving Progressive Left Before and After the Election
Where are they now? I vaguely recall an occasional theme of this sort in some news magazine. In it, the writer would take a trip down memory lane and see where a past celebrity landed in a life after fame. We all wonder how these stories work out and they’re only more common now on […]
Citizen Tyrant, The Trend Toward Forced Actions With Covid
There are two threads to the matter of Covid that should be discussed but they do merge. The first regards vaccines. For context, I’m fully vaccinated**. The vaccine(s) were developed in a miraculous timeframe under President Donald Trump, and distribution was well under way by January 2021. The template for distribution should also be attributed […]
The Obsession of the Left and LGBTQ Community Over All Things Trans
My libertarian leanings are live and let live. I keep my Facebook territory intentionally benign and only rarely post anything provocative, including these articles; however, I’ve posted enough of them for my friend list to know where to come if they want to see more weighted commentary. On the other hand, if someone else uses […]