Each year at this time, sans Covid, graduations take place. There are requisite speeches, a great many of them, totally forgettable. Of my high school graduation, I remember only one thing, that the man droned on and on from a read speech and he used the word aesthetic repetitively. He was a President from an […]
An Open Letter to USA Today
In 1982 a newspaper was created, upsetting a stogie old industry. Traditional newspapers represented city and regional interests; more accurately, they represented partisan interests with every paper acting as the communication arm of a political party or economic interest. That was a tradition going back centuries, everyone knew it and it served a function. By […]
The Hard Truth About Our Generation Shift and the Failure of Silence
Let’s start out with some statistics, also known as reality therapy: What is known as The Greatest Generation, is no longer here. They are substantially all deceased. The Silent Generation, born between 1928 and 1945; there are 20.87 million still alive. Of the Baby Boomers, born 1946-1964, there are currently 69.56 million of us left. […]
The Aftermath of Masks; Are Vaccine Passports Still Possible?
In the aftermath of last week’s announcement that masks were no longer mandatory in most situations, the entire liberal establishment has gone into a frenzy over what they openly construe as unearned freedoms wherein non-vaccinated people could ignore the qualifier to use masks and assume freedoms granted to vaccinated people. Ignoring for the moment what […]
About This Guy, Fascist Trump Lies Stolen Election
There was this leader we had, named ‘Trump Lies’. I see his name everywhere in news pieces, commentary, social media posts. Maybe Trump is his true middle name because I’ll sometimes see him called Fascist Trump Lies, F.T.L. An odd name, eh? I don’t know how this exactly fits but I’ll also see something like […]
Happy Wednesday Joe Biden and all the Trump Haters Too
On this average day of June 12, 2021, I see it’s just another day of the Bidening. There’s news that you make and then there is news that just happens to you. What’s in store for us today. Here’s a story: ‘Florida, Virginia, Georgia and North Carolina declare states of emergency over gas shortages after Colonial Pipeline hack […]