For the most part, I, as the current sole voice of Northeast Reader, assume that anyone interested in finding out about my approach toward media would first go to my About page or the micro Contributor blurb, but there’s little detailed information there. Occasionally, I’ll do an aside, make myself at least the partial topic, and expound on the […]
Canada, O Canada, There’s Just This One Thing About You
I like Canada. I’ve been there twice, I hope to visit again someday. I like Canadians. The people I know of Canadian origin, I like, and some of my favorite musicians are Canadian. But I must confess, I have a slowly growing pet peeve associated with a slow drip of news emanating from Canadian sources. […]
The Devolution of Generations, Alone Without the Elders
Most adults likely have already experienced the unfortunate circumstances of a large family shift occasioned by an elder patriarch or matriarch passing. In a surprising number of instances, they were the glue that held the un-bondable together and after that, the family went down the drain. It isn’t always the case, but it’s all too […]
Cranks, Predictions, and the Year 1938, History Circling Around
Northern California is an interesting place. For most people, Cali is seen as LA, beaches, year-round warmth, wealthy Silicon Valley, and wine country. It’s also perceived as a hotbed for all flavors of progressivism that is then exported around the country. To others, it’s fires, filth, and desperate moral corruption. California is actually a lot […]
The Slow Countdown, Which Gaffe Will Send Biden to ‘Pasture’?
‘Its prediction time again. A dangerous game, but one which I confess that I enjoy. A prediction is an end state, and there’s multiple ways to get there. Some might profess to be clairvoyant, pulling that end state straight out of the ether. For some, it might be considered prophecy, also receiving knowledge, except this […]
Culture Wars Vs. Everything Else, It Shouldn’t Be a Contest
I read a lot of Internet news; truth be told, skim is more like it. That’s because most news stories are poor quality and that includes some conservative sources – but I’ll take that over deceptive indoctrination outlets. Nevertheless, there’s one advantage to quickly flying over news blurbs at a figurative 30,000 ft altitude and […]