Here is what to do and what not to if you’re so inclined to fight for constitutional America. I’ve felt disturbed watching the aftermath of the January 6 ‘riots’ these past six plus months. As details emerged, it’s become almost certain that the small number of ‘leadership’ for the Capitol intruders were led and directed […]
Conquer Fear and Confusion About the Next Covid Spike
After a season of hope that covid was finally on its way out, we find ourselves in a sharp ‘spike.. Just this week, the CDC reversed its mask guidance, and progressive governments and businesses are gleefully reinstating heavy-handed vaccine and mask mandates. There are three parts to this: the actual Covid infections, government-led controls, and […]
A Scenario, One of a Billion Ways America Could Go Down
“It’s getting pretty hard to do even just everyday chores and things. Things just haven’t worked out the way the new government said they would so far. I can buy cat food with meat in it but there’s no meat in the stores, or at least not the ones I can drive to but that […]
The Quickly Coming Conclusion to the Joe Biden Presidency
By now, we’re used to seeing a confused Joe Biden. For as long as there’s been coverage of the 2020 campaign and current presidency, we’ve watched the gaffs, we’ve watched them get worse, and now they’re too bad to be considered gaffs. Nevertheless, the media whistles in the graveyard; there’s nothing to see here, until […]
Covid, A Postscript, or a Pause Before the Next Storm?
There seems to be relatively little widespread concern about Covid right now. While the Biden administration is concerned about the vaccination rate and other countries such as Israel and New Zealand that were models of Covid management, are suddenly clamping down as if the threat has fully returned, here in the US, we have the […]
Afghanistan, Dissecting the Debacle of Our Occupation and Exit
There are dozens if not hundreds of issues of political consequence that I’d not find any utility to comment on. It’s not that they aren’t important, it’s this: if I comment on something and neither my potential readers nor I can do a damn thing about it, then why talk about it? Consequently, my topics […]