Big Media is in love with itself. They fancy themselves as the custodians of ‘truth,’ but more so, they deeply believe that they define truth or increasingly, that they are truth. They sit in both chairs, oblivious to the circular reference, a feedback loop. But how should journalism be validated? Let’s cross reference to another […]
Covid ca September 2021, The Cold War Phase Begins
If Covid was a ‘normal’ pathogen, it would have been licked by now. When you combine the total number of vaccines administered and the number of cases experienced (= immunity), it equals about 70%, the standard accepted threshold for herd immunity. Some, like Fauci for instance, arbitrarily dispute that figure; but, in fact, we don’t […]
The Most Dangerous Chapter in US History is Now
I’m pretty sure we’re about to enter the most dangerous point in United States history – or at least since the Civil War. We have a coup in progress and it’s not the Trumpists. While I’m familiar with US history, I’m no expert, but certainly, our country has faced deep and dangerous threats to its sovereignty. […]
The Completed Acquisition and Conversion of George W. Bush Into the Progressive Fold
How is your memory? Are you of an age where certain past events are long gone and foggy? Maybe you’re too young to worry about that yet; your base of experience is still being formed. This past weekend, anyone with a clear memory stretching back twenty years or so, 2001, or maybe just back to […]
Polarity: An Illustration of Physics Applied to Relationships and Movements
I take you back to grade school when you first learned the most basic of sciences. Somewhere during that time, your teacher pulled out two magnets, laid them on the table, and, with a second magnet, hurled the first one away. Magic. Then the teacher flipped one of the magnets to the other end and […]
Another Storm, Climate Change Fanaticism, and the Manipulation of the Left
At first this might sound like an article/essay about climate change – and it is, to some extent – but it’s just as much about a process used by the left to try and dominate issues and adversaries. It’s so simple, but often it’s like trying to grab the proverbial greased pig. Climate change just […]