The vultures are circling Washington in anticipation that Trump is busted = impeached = gone. Based on disclosures to date, that may still be premature. Scouring the news, some very well informed figures have serious doubts that anything disclosed so far are impeachable offenses. The wild cards of course are: 1) Are there other things not yet disclosed? 2) What party will take congress? That’s mainly it, but I’ll add one more wild card: Will the quid pro quo that to-date has protected Hillary from prosecution, be called off and if it is called off, what effect will that have? Out of all of these, what party will take congress is the most important. If the Dems take over, a misplaced banana peel will be enough to impeach and the left will want a bloody spectacle. That falls under the adage; be careful what you wish for. As pendulum swings go, the left will get their turn again at some point. If they take out a president that presides over a record setting economy and has a solid base, albeit with wavering fringes, watch that coalesce around a frivolously ousted Trump or his successor. Watch the left loose a turn after all.
What will America look like post Trump? That day will come sooner or later. I don’t think the timing is really going to change much at all whether it be by electoral decision or impeachment. Pence may get a shot under either scenario. While the majority of people of either political bent want a peaceful transition, the fascist Antifa and their tentacles of connections into academia, the press, and a wide-deep well of financial backers and boosters are changing the face of the nation. If their people’s return to power is delayed, I believe we’ll see permanent institutionalized violence. If their people get in and take back over, watch for a more subtle but equally intolerant settling of scores in the form of attempting to permanently disable the civil liberties for anyone they disagree with. We see that struggle now, but once they’re in, it will become an inside job.
Crazy how mountains of plastic trash can heap up in landfills and wash out to sea and to date, we now have campaigns against two of the smallest plastic components commonly produced: straws and now eye contact lenses. It’s surreal. It’s so surreal that you really have to wonder what really significant issue is being hidden from public view by this smoke screen. Who’s covering up what?