Trump will be re-elected if the economy holds out. Someone suggested that the only campaigning Trump needs to do is broadcast what the Democrat candidates are saying. True. For generations, it was ‘about the economy stupid’ and then we went through a spell where that wasn’t quite the case. Certainly, it wasn’t during the Obama years as he squandered most of his two terms chasing a social engineering agenda; but now strong economy thinking is back again. Aside from starry eyed millennials, bright yellow dog Democrats, and the ‘elite’, most people want the paycheck. Every Trump outrage out there; we’re all numb to it, both friends, foes, and those in between, and we don’t give a damn. Not saying that’s good or bad, just the facts. I see very little chance that the Democrats will put forward anyone that will ‘get it’, as they’re all mostly mired in heavy handed welfare and identity politics.
Polling: The entire polling industry and the Democratic party will repeat 2016 all over again. Polling is an echo chamber where they’re fishing for the answers they want. I believe a great many voters are justifiably not willing to signal themselves as an object of Democrat hate by disclosing their preference for Trump (even as they have to hold their nose for all the peripheral stink he creates). So many will abstain, many will lie, and election night will be a replay of 2016.
The Trump faithful will forgive him for his lackluster achievements on immigration just as they’re forgiving him for blowing out any fiscal control. So how many cornerstones can conservatives do without before they dump Trump? Apparently, a lot of them.
Who’s really offended by Trump’s ‘send them back comments? Just the ‘elite’. When you start looking past the screaming media and deconstruct who was upset, it was of course woke democrats, all politicians with a perennial interest in posturing, the media, academia, and groupies of the ‘Squad’; all the normal suspects. Notably absent in all the news stories I skimmed: anything of consequence from core black or Latino groups (who are, incidentally, quietly putting more distance between themselves and the Democrat party as the party chases shiny new victims to save). Apparently, the ‘basket of deplorables’ considers it a legitimate sentiment and if anything, that basket is still growing.
The elite have programmed themselves to interpret everything that Trump does and says as racist. In so doing, they have radically redrawn what it was or is to be an actual racist, to the point that it’s become meaningless jargon. It’s a fence hastily constructed around most of middle America, geographical and demographically, to chide them for daring to stray from their fold. Racists are anyone that dares to question the culture wars and especially anyone that would cross examine immigration policy. It is a sword to slay any that will not sign onto identity politics. The word used to have concrete meaning and specific consequences; now, RIP.