I’ve felt bothered about the disposition of our European brothers and sisters for some time. I’ve started at least three blog posts on some form of the topic this year, only to later delete because I felt I would come off as too isolationist, a self-perception of course, but here is another try.
I’ve always been a globalist – ‘small g’ that is. I like other cultures, especially food – naturally, I’m for peace and for eliminating red tape at borders that exists for the sake of nothing. I believe in the most elementary idea of free trade. I won’t tax your goods if you don’t tax mine, fair enough? Of course, that’s not what Globalism really is. There is some overlap but it is so much more. It is being forced to subjugate your own culture to that which is foreign. Peace does appear to be a by-product of partners in agreement – that is, until one or both sides agree to take in people groups with a violent streak who then terrorize the hand that fed it. In that way, borders become abstractions and constructs. Free trade means a centralized committee will decide your trade terms for you.
Globalism is now the lingua franca of the developed world, the assumption to be violated, the rule to be broken, from which those who depart are the disappointing children. More than disappointing, they are the idiots and troglodytes. From this point, they are also the rebels and are dangerous. It is by this measure that Americans are being judged in the courts of European opinion. In this frame of reference, there is no return to traditional sovereignty; no, all accusations must immediately go to old style fascism. It’s made all the more ironic as some sects of Globalism practice actual fascism, particularly on college campuses by both academia and students. Sure, there are plenty of the real-deal out there; right-wing groups that are dangerous and must be monitored and policed by the law. But it is this automatic comparison to all governments with only an interest in sovereignty and a smaller footprint that discredits the Globalist thinkers and critics.
In the past one hundred years, little enough time that our oldest elders are still alive to have witnessed it, we’ve had two world wars and countless other armed conflicts. We’ve formed two great globalist institutions, the League of Nations, defunct, and the United Nations, an ineffectual crib of the nations party-going brass. Wars have not stopped, the rich got richer and the poor got poorer. The US and a handful of other nations acting in, essentially – self interest, have unilaterally sponsored the largest gains in improving the general welfare of the world’s people, especially through commerce and technology. We don’t need Europe to preach to us about love and harmony, or even prosperity, even though some of them are well off. They should be tending to their own house because this little pool of Kumbaya that they enjoy now is only a few breaths in their otherwise violent history, and by that, I mean past and future history. Most profoundly, they are within a generation or so of demographic annihilation; their traditional birth rate vs. all others who would become ‘them’. Even if we view this engulfing as inevitable or even ‘right’, will their new majorities also be good Globalist? We do well to think about our own destiny as a priority.