We’re now in an undeclared civil war akin to the manner in which ISIS overran Iraq, only, it’s our own version, roughly defined by the Antifa. You may recall that in the ISIS wars, by blitzkrieg, fear, and terrorism, they eventually controlled about 40% of the country before they were slowly rooted out, one jihadist at a time, but not before they destroyed quite a lot, raped and killed quite a few Iraqis. I read that in Seattle, the city has ceded territory, a police jurisdiction, and now city hall. Apparently, there isn’t a municipality that hasn’t dumped or defaced a monument to some historical white guy. Leaders of major media newsrooms, sport organizations, corporations are committing career harikari in their own personal anguish to atone for their manifold racial sins and wickedness, even if it’s just in the darkness of their hearts. Even garden variety disaffected ner-do-well millennials, appropriating the cloak of ‘racial justice’ are clamoring on social media for everything from world socialism, to abolition and or murder of police, or at least to inflict widespread deep communal shame. They say the charge “racist” and otherwise well-established productive adults pee their pants in fear of the mob. This has moved a long way from just George Floyd and even race relations.
On a national level, there are very few that aren’t appeasing the anarchist to some degree. From this, I would of course exclude real and needed law enforcement reform. Where I do see real resistance is at the grass root levels. Neighborhood people ready to face down their screaming counterparts.
Where will this go and when will even our addled leaders come to their senses to face down the existential threat to America? Activist have captured Seattle city hall, but will they also capture state capitals and or even Capital Hill? Statues are going down everywhere, forefathers of secondary importance are being expunged from history, but will they lay siege to Monticello, Mt Vernon, or Mount Rushmore? How many sacked dead white men museums will it take before Nancy Pelosi has had enough? I hear she has a soft spot in her heart for the Met. I’ll predict that even sacrificial deaths will not necessarily bring appeasing elected government to their senses. Maybe the use of explosive ordnance by antifa will do it, or a downed plane, or even a beheading?
Race relations will receive attention concurrent to all of this, but make no mistake about it, what I speak of is a separate movement. I’m afraid there is no pill or words that will turn a squishy politician the other way. Our only hope is revolutionary over-reach that would in turn, change the prospects of an election. That’s the only language that politicians know.