Last year, I posted an article highlighting my writings of 2021 that made statements worth repeating for year-end consideration. I follow that new tradition again this year. It’s also an opportunity for new readers to sample my perspective without reading through an entire year’s posts. What I wrote this past year represents what I treat as most important and how I express those thoughts, an ongoing evolution. As I’ve reread these 2022’s highlights, I get a sense of urgency from them that hasn’t diminished as they age.
My News Reading Lists – What I Read, Don’t Read, and Why
Any reader of this summary article might rightfully ask, “Where do you get your news from?” My sources vary and could be regarded as insufficiently conservative or liberal depending on who’s asking. It’s an updated personal list of news reading habits that may seem mundane and yet I remain convinced that most people live in ignorance caused by trust in mainstream or pseudo-mainstream news sources. If those are your sources, you are being shielded from the other half of the news because its publishers don’t believe you should know the full story. Read here to begin to correct that.
Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema – Saving the World From a One Party America
This might seem like a really bad highlight article to be featured by an arch conservative and yet here it is. Both Manchin and Sinema were considered traitors by their party in January 2022 and today, they’re considered as contemptible by Republicans for voting for the later and lighter version of the same bill. Mentioning Manchin and Sinema in a positive light doesn’t make me a ‘centrist.’ They displayed selfless courage at one moment where it counted, and they continue to oppose the removal of the filibuster, the only guardrail essentially keeping America glued together. They’re each imperfect in many ways, but their example has something to teach some Republicans.
Updated World – Updated Reasons Firearms are Essential to Peace
While I don’t consider myself a gun rights activist, the further I go along, the more I see firearms as essential to free society. This treatise will probably not convince a ‘gun grabber’ to change their values because they’re looking for the opposite objective, to be coddled by an all-powerful state. What I lay out may indeed be instructive to those who support gun rights in principle but do not own a firearm. This essay is worth it just for the Sun Tzu quote.
You’re Reading the Commentary of a Dissident – Courtesy of Biden’s DHS
There are two ways to read this article. First, maybe it’s a persnickety take on the empty blabber of a government toady filling the world with bureaucratic nonsense. On the other hand, maybe the regime in power really does see half or more of its citizenry as its mortal enemy and these statements are a calculated step toward forcing conformity. Who knew back on February 7, 2022, that my government, your government, had hijacked Twitter to use it as its own dystopian, heavy-handed, and extra-constitutional censor, a role far deeper and seriously corrupt than anything ever imagined by the left about Trump, and yet none of your progressive friends have left the camp over it. While much has since been revealed, nothing is fixed. Read this to understand how you will be viewed if you stand for the truth.
Call Out Gay Terror by Name – Confronting Gender and Sexual Activism in Schools
Rereading this piece after about nine months, my only regret is not using stronger language to make my point – and that’s even with the intentionally provocative term ‘Gay Terror’ dropped into the title and writing. In fact, the essay could be boiled down to those two words. Are all gays terrorist? Of course not, but the word is used to smoke out those who are. March already seems genteel compared to the raunchy brazen gay/gender activist parading about nine months later.
A Case Study – Revolver and Some Conservative Factions Losing Objectivity of Ukraine
This is a rare instance where I directly take to task someone on my ‘own team.’ The topic is Ukraine, something I wrote about a lot this year, but Revolver and others of the same mindset are the object of this writing. For months, Revolver posted glowing, hopeful articles about Russia’s prospects and painted Ukraine as if it were some perverse cult. Revolver became conspicuously quiet once the tide turned and Ukraine started to kick Russia’s ass. Be aware that I will sometimes take a contrary position compared to those in the larger conservative tent. I was right about Ukraine at the start of the war and I will be right about them, in regard to the war at least, when it finally ends. Whatever flaws are inherent to Ukraine or Zelenski should not justify the countenance of certain genocide.
The Reason We Have Senile Leaders – The Lack of Morals in Party Standards
Any article about age might seem like fodder for the Readers Digest. I start by whining about some common struggles of work relevance that we all face. The flip side of that though is the path of senility demonstrated by certain Democrat luminaries. Making an insight that I’m not sure has been noticed elsewhere, this problem hardly exists in the Supreme Court, regardless of party, even though some are quite aged. While an active mind must certainly play a big part, there’s a moral component at play.
Truth Defines Authentic People – Thus We Are Now in Danger
In this writing, I compare the culture of lies in the old Soviet system to a more innocent age in US history. I compare that age to our now greatly institutionalized regime of lies. We have become our own best enemy. I also compare our private expectation of truth with our civic preferences and toleration wholly founded on lies. This post aged very well in as much as some examples I used would certainly have been labeled as unfounded conspiracy looniness just seven months ago and now we ‘have all the receipts’ thanks to Musk’s disclosures from the Twitter-sphere.
Three World Events That Could Change Everything in One Year
To the few who’ve read Northeast Reader any length of time, you’ll know that I dedicate several posts each year to predictions. In this post, I make a stratospheric leap totally beyond my ‘expertise,’ of which I have none, and I synthesize not one but three future global events and present the totality of those three for the reader to consider. It is the fact that these events will occur so close together that makes them earth shaking. Now, seven months have elapsed, and this is the score: Biden’s coming legislative demise is set. Putin is indeed terminal. Only the fate of China’s Xi is still ambiguous. At the time of writing, a coup was rumored. His regime came perilously close to a meltdown over the Covid Zero enforcement. Now the 180-degree reversal is causing huge problems. I can’t guarantee 100% fulfillment of this prediction but I’m absolutely confident that his downfall will still be regarded as ‘untimely.’
The Twist of Fate Building at Our Supreme Court Apparently, May being the month of commenting beyond my supposed ‘expertise,’ I speculate on the motivations that went on within the Supreme Court in handling several huge historical events and decisions. I then quietly connect dots and they lead to profound ironies. The conjecture about the justices’ motives is partly informed by news stories, partly my own interpretation. The synthesis is unique to Northeast Reader.
A Matter for Further Investigation in Uvalde, Texas
Uvalde presented just one of many mass shooting tragedies in 2022. What makes this one stand out from all the rest is the enormous chasm of non-interest by media everywhere into why dozens of highly trained SWAT team individuals stood down to a lone gunman picking off school children in an enclosed room. Consequently, I present ‘conspiracy theories.’ This is not an exhaustive study, it’s merely a queue to all the professional investigative people to explain why this case is so different than all the others where there was at least a plausible law enforcement response. Don’t forget Uvalde.
Seven Years – The Long Road to Fix a Crashed Economy
This entry is a glance into our economic malaise under Biden. It took eighteen months to wreck an economy and the fix will be seven years if not longer. Exactly seven? The number is of course symbolic but also plausible and I point fingers. Jerome Powell seems to now be genuinely concerned with addressing the inflation that he had a leading hand in creating. Why did he allow this to happen to begin with? I and we all should still have lots of questions.
Federalism – an Essential Strategy to Tame the Federal Leviathan
Any discussion of federalism probably reads like a civics class to most people. That’s unfortunate given the crucial role that it plays in essentially saving America thus far. On a day-to-day basis, federalism is probably the domain of just a few political geeks down in the basement at the RNC, crunching numbers and writing white papers. Instead, it should be on the tip of everyone’s tongue, certainly if you’re a conservative.
The Care and Leading of AOC – Taming the Conundrum of Herself
I must admit, this and anything I write about AOC is a fun project. She’s an easy target, ever so manifestly full of herself. On that level, enjoy. Beyond that, read this piece carefully. There are a thousand ways that she could eventually own her party, and if it ever comes to that, as I say in the piece, ‘She may someday qualify herself as an extraordinary tyrant.’ No one, relatively speaking, takes her seriously now. That is a mistake.
The topic of Biden and his walking demise has been a frequent topic for me since 2020 and even before. ‘Who Is Really President?’ is still the most relevant question about this administration, one that not even conservatives are willing to amplify. To the extent that my own opinions evolve over time and that I formerly speculated that it would be implausible for him to finish out his term, this essay accepts that he may finish it out, albeit as the powerless puppet that he was at the beginning of his term. Biden is now the prototype for this model of governing. Rig election, install puppet, govern by proxy. Expect more of the same in the future
A Democracy Story – Tales of Elections Future
I had completely forgotten that I wrote this piece and I read it with new eyes. Originally posted on August 26, 2022, it’s year-end now, the election done, and surprise, there is now more context than I expected. The ‘fictional’ account is set in 2026, but the start point is now or was back in August. It isn’t a literal prophesy, and the 2022 election isn’t quite the disaster portrayed in this piece, but it eerily captures the awkward surprise that did transpire. The future journal entry is a cautionary tale, and the devil is in the details. Far too much of this could still come true.
What to Teach in High School – A Practical List
When in September, think of school. At the time I wrote it, I was mainly thinking about getting my head out of politics for a moment. The result is, I believe, profound. I suggest just five topics that should be taught. It’s not a full or conclusive list, and yet if just one or two of them were vigorously presented, the trajectory of young people exiting high school would be vastly improved and along with it, the future of our country. We spend so much time fighting what’s wrong with education, we’ve forgotten what should or could replace it.
Societal Gender Madness and Assault on Your Kids
This is as complete of a statement as I could make regarding gender and tranny activism being perpetrated against kids now, primarily in educational settings. Hinted at and underlying in the movement are monumental bastions of mental illness, greed, sadism, and hypocrisy. While some conservatives need these prompts to learn what’s going on under their nose, they and others must also understand that the roots are there such that this will not just blow over in a year. There is a long game of evil that will steal kids for generations.
The Paradigm Shift in Doctor – Patient Incentive
To be filed under the category of topics that I, a total layman, should not venture an opinion, and yet, here I am. I present a sweeping statement that explains and ties together several evil trends in the medical profession. The two drivers are of course, money, and government [power] coercion. Any sensible observer should conclude here that I’m at least on the right track. Is the analysis comprehensive? Of course not. Are their holes and omissions? Certainly. Medicine is enormously important for so many people and yet, it has its own very serious cancer. Conservatives are presently swatting at isolated instances of corruption in the system. We need to step back and see the bigger picture if we’re going to get a handle on it.
The Heinous Crimes of Conservative Republicans
I’m curious how many visitors may have dropped by to read this article hoping that I had some real dirt on Republicans (or really, conservatives). This article is a compendium of many of the issues and topics that I return to repeatedly. As you read through it, you might be excused for thinking that it’s a parody of the ideas therein, but it is not. I defy anyone to show me a politically active progressive who doesn’t sign on to all these ideas as described. The sad state is this: A larger and broader set of ‘moderate’ Democrats has been effectively cowed into full acquiescence and silence for these things they know are not right.
Two Desperate Liars and The End of The World
We read daily about Biden, and separately, about Putin and each of their desperate challenges. In this reading, I compare without the bother of contrast, and it forms a circle of cause and effect and of combined ‘fate.’ They are two compulsive liars acting out of twisted motivations that merged over Ukraine and could possibly end in nuclear war, tactical or world-ending. Their deep personal and similar vices are directly resulting in wide-scale death and suffering, which could even now turn far worse.
The One Election Paradigm You Haven’t Read About Yet
…The one you haven’t read and the one you will not read anywhere else. There were and are a lot of ways to slice the disappointment of the 2022 election that nevertheless still gives conservatives some small leverage over the next two years. It’s better than nothing. And yet, out of all the reasons, I doubt many people are truly ready to face the biggest underlying failure and the factor that will require the hardest work to fix: a generational shift in voters and their values. Our children have grown up, and as a demographic they favored a demise of the things that helped nurture them. A shift to correct this has already started, but will it be enough, and on time?
The New Prevalence of Open Child Violence Enabled by Biden
Each season has an urgent cause and this one, fighting against and forestalling what already is, an epidemic of intense psychological damage and permanent mutilation of vulnerable kids, may be one of the most time-sensitive fights that must be engaged and won. In this article, I tie the concern back to a previously scorned QAnon hypothesis and declare it valid, citing major well-known examples. The widespread and institutional dedication to sexualizing and exploiting children for the gratification of a perverse minority is a sudden phenomenon that has been unleashed by Biden and his handlers. The fight is already on and it is winnable.
Prepare Your Children – The Seeds of a Future Much Different
The year is 2052. Many of us will be gone, but our children and grandchildren will certainly be here. Thirty years into the future transcends a lot of the issues and struggles that we labor over now, but we’re setting our own stage for what comes to us by then. These predictions are as I say, theory, but consider it as a starting point to think what we’re leaving our grandkids. We owe it to them to prepare them as best as we know how.