Getting straight to 2025, we’re at the threshold of a historical turn in the nation. For years, I’ve foreseen and lamented that political governance had devolved into a swinging pendulum between far-left activism and conservative reaction often tinged with stupidity, or at least naivety, election cycle after election cycle. That form is about to be broken, perhaps for as long as a generation. I don’t believe anyone can credibly predict beyond that point due to two gargantuan trends that will level and remake every civic dynamic currently in existence: technology and depopulation. By 2050, our world will be unrecognizable relative to today. But back to today. Donald Trump is coming to town. His past track record and agenda going forward is well known and well publicized. Based on that matrix, I have a list of what I want to see done and in what priority. Most of these things are exactly what Trump has announced he’s planning, however I think a few of my concerns are elevated and may not be manifested directly by Trump’s executive actions, but we’ll see. Here is my list and a couple words about why.
One – Seize the Department of Defense and return it to its roots. We are in a grave vulnerability that must be corrected on day one. All woke commanding generals must be ordered to hand in their resignations by COB, January 20, 2025, and have acting and permanent loyal replacements named simultaneously. Bring charges of treason against General Mark Milley; this is critical to restore integrity back to our armed forces. Prepare for a blitzkrieg.
Two – Do to the Department of Justice and the FBI exactly as must be done to the military. Merrick Garland should be vacated from his office by COB, January 20, 2025. At the FBI, have acting and permanent loyal replacements prepared to act and in place at least two or three levels down within the executive command.
Three – Sign however many executive decisions it takes to rescind every single woke, globalist, DEI, left wing, America hating, and America crippling executive action formed over the entirety of Biden’s four years in office. Have some steroids handy for Trump’s signature hand.
Four – Immediately seize full legal control of the border, reverse all Biden administration statutes that granted any extraordinary rights to any legal or illegal border crosser, particularly above and beyond that granted to US citizens, and immediately remove all illegal aliens that crossed the border unvetted. Use or grant military level authority and force against any illegal border crosser to deport any that are a lone male of military age, and treat as an enemy combatant. Finish the southern wall and grant full legal joint custody and responsibility of that wall to the states that it sits on. Assess steep tariffs and cut foreign aid to any host country that refuses repatriation of their own citizens.
Five – Order top resignations at the CIA and NSA and by executive order, freeze all programs not conforming to the agencies original charter.
Six – Immediately pardon and free all J6 prisoners and all other classes of political prisoners deemed to be victims of Biden’s corrupt Justice Department. Release all documents by all relevant authorities that organized the entrapments made during the J6 protests. Prosecute and disbar all judiciary and J6 legislative investigation committee members that conspired to rob the civil rights of all J6 defendants. Prosecute and or disbar Liz Chaney and Adam Schiff and others for their roles in the coverup of J6 committee activities and destruction of evidence.
Seven – Initiate legal action against all former leadership under the Biden administration that conspired to subvert the rightful democratic processes in regard to election tampering and also, those that sought to undermine the 2016 election and Donald Trump’s first administration and orchestrated the same during the 2020 election cycle. Defendants should include Barack Obama Hillary Clinton, and Nancy Pelosi. Anyone that broke a law should be charged and they should not be spared because they’re former positions were too high to prosecute. While these types of actions are generally regarded as vengeful, that cast was long ago broken; but moreover, these were and are individuals that conspired to skirt, degrade, and even destroy constitutional norms that made my nation the protector of my rights and I have thus been violated. Donald Trump owes it to America now to do everything within his power to not just bring these conspirators to justice but to expose their secrets to the public and form a forceful legal deterrent against this ever happening again.
Eight – Declare an executive order requiring voter ID and requiring all voting to take place at uniformly staffed bipartisan voting places to include election day facilities and legal local election administrative offices.
Nine – Bring China into submission through extraordinary trade and monetary action and declare a not so soft war on all electronic/digital interference projected onto US soil, in commercial trade violations, and in hacking and intellectual theft. Make China pay dearly via their economy and Xi’s attention will be turned away from disrupting other nations around the globe. Make it economically costly for US businesses to be dependent on Chinese industry.
Ten – Immediately restore all US energy production back to the non-restrictions that existed in 2020. Become the world leader in decentralized micro nuclear power generation. Freeze all new developing wind energy production facilities and deprecate all aging facilities over time.
Eleven – Declare an executive order halting all federal funds for gender reassignment and treatments. Work with congress to outlaw all gender reassignment and treatments on minors and vigorously prosecute all medical and psychological professionals that promote or perform any of these services on minors.
Twelve – Make the Biden family give all the money back. While Joe Biden may have grossly perverted federal pardons to legally immunize his family crime syndicate from prosecution for their illegal graft of foreign governments and corporations, that should not preclude a demand to give up the ill-gotten gain they made in the process. Sue the Biden family to forfeit that illegal gain.
I’m sure there is more but this is a good start.
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