Memo: Sorry for the delay in writing. Consider it a spontaneous micro sabbatical necessitated by heeding other life priorities, mostly of a mundane variety. Also, there is too much to cover, moving too fast. With that, don’t be surprised if you see a shift in content type here over the next few months. I’ve always felt comfortable tackling opinions on national scale news, but as we inch closer to an election or maybe Armageddon, many of the scenes of national distress are built up and knocked down – moving on to the next thing – is just days or maybe even hours. I, the predicter of things, have few prophesies right now. I speak where I see few people speaking and just now, that place is more of a spiritual plane. In the end, opinion makers are fifty cents per ton, at best so why do it? The practice of writing is only nominally for an external audience. The primary beneficiary is the writer either for inner peace or to build and condition the mind of the speaker. Rarely does a well-honed declaration come out of a place that has not been torturously exercised, trialed, and practiced. The audience just gets to sit in on the process.
To return.