Any American with any moral compass at all instinctively knows that the United States, the one being currently administrated by a posse of extraordinarily inept activist clowns, has done something colossally bad with the fall of Afghanistan. It isn’t debatable that we needed to go, as I’ve explained before, but the great how is vastly different in what should’ve been and what actually is transpiring.
Two kinds of groups of people are experiencing crushing moral weigh right now. The first is born primarily by our military, who took orders, fought for, and believed in what mostly became a dubious cause; to see and know that the Afghans they worked with, served with, or were served by are either already murdered, will be murdered in the next hours and days, or will be severely punished probably for the rest of their short lives because they put their trust in us. This has to be felt by every GI down the street, like the one who fought three (or more) tours of duty in Afghanistan. To some extent, that weight is shared by civilians in prior administrations who were true believers in a mission they helped shape – but that they either shaped wrongly or relied on higher ups that directed them in the errant details.
The other is those who had no investment whatsoever but vicariously derived their own construed sense of righteousness from however they chose to perceive of our mission there, such as a rescue mission for women and children. Maybe these can’t be helped for that feeling except that they exercised little if any critical thought for the bigger picture. This day was always a possibility, even if a departure had been correctly executed. Woe on those that did not prepare for this possibility.
But the real weight belongs here: The Biden administration and the millions of blinded who elected this catastrophe of ineptitude and incompetence, which certainly includes senior leadership. There is a clear message here: Your choices have consequences. I’d like to think that all who worked to elect a senile, severely addled and woke puppet would feel some remorse for the thousands who are surely being executed tonight, but I’m not holding my breath. Just remember, for you, the book of consequences for which you’re responsible is just starting. Name the issue: the border, covid, monetary stability…on and on, these debacles are only starting to manifest. Don’t start angrily spitting out ‘Trump this and Trump that’; this is your failure, and you own it.
No one could’ve absolutely guaranteed a civil transfer of authority in Afghanistan, but it was absolutely guaranteed to fail when our Biden administration cut and ran, while Joe Biden took his afternoon nap and pills.