There are a lot of ways to slice the post-mortem on the Democrat defeat on Nov 5, and my news feed is filled with those opinions. Some Democrats are asking: Why didn’t we win? How could we have won? How might we win the next time? What do we learn from this loss? While there are a few sincere individuals in the party asking these questions, these are the wrong questions, and they’re diametrically opposite of how the Democrat party works. Democrats do not choose a message, a winning path, and head toward the light. They do not go out and seek the consensus of any voting block and agree to represent them. Instead, factions harboring pet extremist ideologies choose them, not the other way around. Learning isn’t on the table.
The Democrat voter is a follower and a pawn; they obey, they do not dissent and if they try, the shunning is swift and severe. When times are good, this is institutionally efficient. When they want to get legislation through, they stick together much better than Republicans. When times are bad, it’s the roller coaster to hell. You want to champion cutting off boys nuts and make them girls in the name of ‘compassion’? You want to send five hundred illegal immigrant criminals into a sleepy rural town of a thousand residents and pretend it’s no problem? You want to jigger the energy industry in the name of climate change and drop a $ trillion or two of borrowed money on your best friend’s woke NGOs and wonder why your constituent families topping out at $60k a year are upset over 25% increase in their weekly grocery bill, and by the way, here’s another $2.5 billion Ukraine?
Can you see where there might be a problem with the whole concept of learning here? How can people who are so tone deaf to the fundamentals of representative government suddenly really be interested in changing up their values and practices? Democrats certainly can feel remorse at losing, that much is clear, but are they/you capable of feeling remorse for why you lost? You know there’s a big difference between the two, right? Everything I’ve seen in the news suggests they damn well know why they lost. Some knew it in real time as it was happening, but the only apparent response was to double down on the deceptive messaging even as the offensive policies continued to be pushed to the limits and hope it would be enough by the time they reached the finish line. There were no clarion calls for change, then or now. Plenty of Democrats now lament Kamala Harris blowing $1.5 billion dollars in 100 days and they’re angry as hell at how she did that, vowing that she’ll never get their support again…..and yet….never apparently stopped to consider how disastrously flawed a candidate she was to begin with. It implies, if she only blew $ half a billion dollars, maybe they’d try her again the next time. These are sick people. No learning is going to happen at that level, no, not at all.
There are calls for the Democrats to ‘rebrand’. They should go after the working-class people like they did back in the old days. They are really saying this. Are they not aware that they just gave that voter block away with a vengeance?! What would they do to win them back? Treat them with respect like Trump does? Care about their cost of living like Trump does? Support the integrity of their families and honor the values that they hold, like Trump? Do they think they’d have any luck going back to ca 1947 and reintroduce them to the enlightened Socialist labor movements of the twentieth century? Maybe it hasn’t yet occurred to them that they could just become America First Trumpers and be on the winning side – of elections and history, but no; who will then perform all the trillions of dollars in government graft that is their ‘mother’s-milk’? If you just had an a-ha! moment, that was not accidental.
This brings us to the present and the future. The final disposition on 2024 will be shown by what person(s) are picked for the midterms and for 2028. Whoever emerged will not be the culmination of how institutional Democrats adjusted their message from the failed wokisms leading up to the 2024 present. It’ll be the person’s most responsive to the whatever victim-class parties have collectively gained ascendancy by 2028. Would the Democrats ever again be open to fighting for some under-class rural blue-collar group? Never again. They will follow whatever victim groups survive the present rout, they will follow that money, they will follow the cues of whatever agitators run those agendas, both domestic and globalist. ‘Woke’ will now evolve but it will not go away. There are foundational parts of it that will last way past my lifetime and probably many others: communism, redistributing the world’s wealth to the third world, destruction of Israel and constitutional America, institutionalized pedophilia, even planned human extinction. If these don’t sound like theDemocrat Party platform, you’re not mistaken. They are ideological forces of quiet global multi-billionaires that influence shadow groups and the academic world, that in turn, indoctrinate the leaders and groups that will clamor for the allegiance of the Democrat party, the party tasked with delivering the votes of the naïve, necessary to flesh out the agenda of the true sponsors of the party. This will be the result of their ‘learning’.
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