To the three people that followed this blog at any time, you’ll recall I made a significant prediction. Mueller would not find the goods on Trump. There, that was easy. While I am ordinary-Joe far removed from the machinations of DC, my predictions were not just random hope. I based it on two things, both involving an analytical observation of the press. 1) Even pre-election, little noticed reports indicated that the CIA was investigating what might be Russian collusion. They found none. While the CIA is on vastly different footing than the DOJ, they of all entities would be able to pre-observe what their domestic counterparts might ultimately see peering out of the manhole. 2. The Press has consistently displayed an Ahab-like propensity to overplay their hand and in the process, fail to scream their narrative into reality.
While this vantage is far from exhaustive, and I could’ve been proved wrong, to me it was enough. I told you so. Of course, to those that lost this battle or war, it isn’t over, and it never will be. In fact, my Ahab comparison will kick-in ever further and probably cost them another election; that and the socialism thing. There are no cool heads in that party. To quote myself, something may indeed eventually bring Trump down but it won’t be Russia-gate (or the endless offspring of that movement). I have no insight on what that might be. I do know that the sooner the Dems lose this Trump-crazy and get back to notions of governance – all 50 states and not just their victim constituency, the sooner they’ll have a chance at regaining power. Presently, this is nowhere in sight.