I’d be lying if I said I’m not disappointed at this juncture for the cause of conservatism, in light of the apparent shitshow of a debate #1. As is my custom, I do not watch live performances of high office holders and candidates, so my impressions are based on gleaned observations by those with the resources to analyze the events with the most context, and I have consumed a full spectrum of those views. In this light, I’ll ask questions:
- Both Trump and Biden have done plenty of debates, so why was the 9/29/20 debate so off the rails?
- Observers on both sides agree that the animosities were shared equally by both Biden and Trump, and a notable number of them also include moderator Wallace in that equation, so why do pundits, the ones that buy ‘ink’, almost unanimously condemn just Trump?
Consensus seems to be that each side served it’s base. Where does that leave conservatives? At face value, no change. Also not changed is the great institutional/media onslaught against Trump. Haven’t we seen this before? If you believe what you read online, the numbers should be one sided, but they are not. In fact, subtle trends seem to defy Big Polling and the public picked up something from the event that pollsters don’t want to see. If Big Media all seem to agree that Trump performed disgraceful and that this serves a huge net benefit to Biden, then why are Pelosi and her ilk so intent on cancelling further debates?
One detail from the debate to look at closer; would Trump denounce ‘white supremacy’? Seems straightforward. If your talking about organizations like the KKK, he already declared them a terrorist group. That of course is portrayed as pandering for votes. Notable though is the rhetorical trap laid by the Biden left including debate moderator Wallace. Avoiding the question certainly looks bad; maybe answering it in the affirmative will look even worse the next question or the next day. I’ll just note that Trump seems to have the street smarts for that kind of setup. Trump already went where Obama Biden neglected to go in condemning a racist organization like the KKK so who’s the real racist here? I’d maintain it’s the one that says “you ain’t black” unless you vote for Biden.