I remember Democrat politics and cultural shifts as a kid. JFK was on the edge of my cognizant years, then came figures like Lyndon Johnson, Martin Luther King, Hubert Humphry, Cesar Chavez, Gloria Steinem. Coming of age, there was Jimmy Carter, Tip O’Neil, Ted Kennedy and of course many others. Although raised in a conservative house, even with my father, a registered Democrat, the personalities that informed liberalism nonetheless had broader appeal in middle working-class America.
I experienced politics in my formative years through listening to my dad and granddad commiserate on Washington policymaking, standing beside the back entrance to grandad’s house after having brought in hay, mucked the bull stall, or the gathering of eggs. Discussions were often held while eating vanilla ice-cream with thawed frozen strawberries from the garden or perhaps popsicles in mid-summer. Dad and grandad raised their voices, usually in agreement, often over the impact of the price of grain, land or equipment. Neither was especially happy with the cultural changes, particularly as it involved hippies. Even so, turning 18 in 1976, I voted for Jimmy Carter. I wasn’t especially informed as I later found out, but still, I chose what I perceived as a fresh approach over establishment backroom maneuvering. I later corrected that error in voting for Ronald Reagan.
In the interim years between then and now, the Democrat Party has gone through a lot of iterations to where it is now entirely unrecognizable to whatever remnants of its historical base are still alive; in fact, I’d argue that it’s entirely estranged from the liberalism the past decade. Of course, I use Democrat, liberal, and progressive interchangeably as those concepts merge in most people’s minds in spite of the irony in which really old Democrats are more conservative than some Republicans. ‘Liberal’ suddenly seems old fashioned, as if it’s starting to evoke some sense of quaint do-good benevolence, like the old lady down the street that keeps a flower garden, faithfully attends the United Methodist church, believes in ‘women’s rights’, and gave money to support the campaign of Ms. So-and-so for Senate and is otherwise oblivious to the direction of her party. Even ‘Progressive’ is starting to be feel dated as it conjures up a picture of chatty talking heads like Anderson Cooper, college professors, ambitious career track female staffers working for a campaign or cause in which they smile a lot and maybe, it even sounds half reasonable when they give you the selective sales pitch. None of these come close to describing what the real ‘progressive’ Democrat party has become virtually overnight, but the word ‘demonic’ comes to mind.
What defines Progressive in the post 2020 world? After a year of riots, off the charts Trump hate, a stolen election, a pandemic used as a social control tool, and finally, the installation of the Biden puppet regime, the most radical and aggressive individuals and parties within the ‘progressive’ camp are making a bum-rush to aggressively destroy all human normalcy and American ideas as quickly as possible, to the point of no-return. Let us count the ways.
Biden’s Health and Human Services nominee hasn’t seen an abortion restriction he doesn’t like including partial birth abortion; think of it, someone that would rip a living baby apart, alive, while in transit out of a mother’s womb. Meet your potential new HHS secretary. While there are hopefully enough legal impediments to shut down any such affirmative policy that might come from that office, the point here is that Biden’s handlers have chosen to put forth the most egregious example of an anti-life operative imaginable.
Mr. Racheal Levine (holder of one x and one Y chromosome), potential Assistant Secretary of Health stonewalls Rand Paul when pressed to on whether children should be subjected to pressure to have sex change therapies behind their parents backs. The House passes the Equality act which would criminalize all resistance to the LGBTQ agenda including my comments here. On this matter, we need to be brazen for a moment: The progressive position, overnight, has essentially become that natural born males should be encouraged to change sexes (in their mind at least) use women’s facilities, compete against real women in their sports, pretend that they menstruate and give birth, and last but not least, have their penises and testicles surgically removed, or perhaps also obtain an additional sex organ, a pseudo vagina. Natural born women, likewise, should be encouraged to change their birth sex, take hormones, and have reconstructive surgery to remove as many female physical attributes as possible, but of course, being given only diminutive pseudo male sex organs in place of their natural organs. It’s as if the huge lifelong cost of gender maintenance drugs and the innate danger of surgeries on an otherwise healthy young person should become the common expectation of a whole generation. These initiatives are of course life altering, physically destructive, and permanent. This is now a central policy pursuit of American Democrat progressives. I have no problem with a full-fledged adult slinking off to Amsterdam, spending his or her money to make themselves into a kink object for their own gratification, but damned if I or anyone should stand by and watch the wholesale perversion of a whole generation of our young become the official policy of this land.
Being Progressive in 2021 now means that there is no more tolerance. Everyone is to be cancelled. All conservatives should no longer hold a job, be allowed to conduct commerce anywhere, raise their children in their own beliefs. Progressives will in fact cancel their own, even their lifelong mentors if they don’t adopt the most radical positions and have the good fortune of making zero missteps in writing and speech, not just in the present and the future, but for all of their past, because you see, they too must be cancelled if they said something unfortunate in college or if they posted a picture in the high school yearbook that offends the ruling council of the millennial young radicals trained at Berkley, Princeton, Wellesley, Smith, Yale, Columbia, NYU, or Harvard; perhaps even at that little liberal arts ‘Christian’ college in Indiana. In fact, cancel culture aims and goals doesn’t really look any different than the current Chinese treatment of the Uighurs or for that matter, the iron boot of Mussolini, Stalin or Hitler. While their ambitions are held only barely in check by current constitutional law application, remedies for trampling those rights are all too often retroactive after those rights have obliterated. That’s what Progressives are now counting on. Decimate, defund, de-platform, destroy, before law can be applied to them and maybe by then, that court and that law may not be around anymore.
These are just a few examples of the cultural force being taken via political advantage. The new regime is woke, anti-gender, anti-life, anti-worker, and has rushed to compromise American interests and sovereignty in every corner. These are all in profound variance from prior administrations, and by degrees, even from Obama’s. It’s as if he said, let’s find the most outrageous caricatures of social and political variance and shove it down the American people’s throat. Senator Lindsay Grahame remarked that he does not believe Biden is in control. That’s a stark admission from someone close enough to know. It’s one thing to be inept and impaired by age, as is certainly the case with Biden now, it’s another thing entirely to be hijacked by the radicals in your own camp – in fact, let’s just call it an intra-progressive coup and figuratively at least, to holding a gun to Biden’s head to do their bidding, just to delay the inevitable 25th amendment boot.
Where was this level of evil five years ago? Two years ago? Even one year ago? Certainly these forces were traceable further back before then but these instances of mass social perversion resided only in radical circles, particularly in academia. What is truly astounding is the swiftness with which rank and file Democrats, big business, and even local authorities caved in to some mystery queue from….where? From whom? Did your local school endorse genital mutilation last year? Did your local hotel cancel a conservative convocation the year before last? Were you or your colleague threatened over a politically incorrect tweet or PM exchanged last Christmas? Are you suddenly worried about whether your eight-year-old boy or girl will receive pressure to identify as ‘Queer’? If you’re not, you should be.
This evil isn’t some welling up as some long buried human aspiration, after all, there is no analog in history that combines both such as deep propensity for perversion and oppression along with the technology and wealth to so fully actuate the same upon ourselves as a society. It isn’t the culmination of some brilliant enlightenment never seen before; in fact, the opposite is tragically true. This sudden emergence of progressive radicalism is more like a targeted drop of a stealth bomb, calculated to catch everyone off guard, released in such a way that it would seem instantaneous ubiquitous. It was planned, developed, dropped and it has an evil purpose. There are a lot of pre-existing stock conspiracy theories that might explain USA 2021 but quite frankly, I don’t think they get to the true ‘why now’. Perhaps it’s a spiritual thing and in fact, that might be the only satisfactory explanation.
There are a lot of people that cannot speak freely right now so it makes it all the more important that those that have less at stake economically aggressively rise and stand up up to this evil regime. Will you stand by silently at let Nancy Pelosi destroy the life of just one of your children or grandchildren? Silence is the only thing that’s absolutely deadly.