Last night was the Golden Globes. Of course, I did not watch, I never do, I don’t care, but as a news junky, I do read the aftermath of this and many other similar occasions, so my impressions all come through the same general filter. In this regard, the Internet media is part and parcel of the overall show. This is a valid way to take in tertiary events in a hyper-overload information age. That alone would make for a fitting essay.
What follows, is unapologetic rant.
First: It was nearly twenty-four hours after the event before I saw any news reference to an actual award and that was unrelated to a specific placement. While I don’t care about the awards or recipients, it does seem ironic that this event has been so thoroughly hijacked by activism, such that there is no longer any pretense of an award event.
Second: I agree with Rose McGowan’s assessment of the anti-diddle-fest. Too little, way too late. It was a festival of raw hypocrisy. I have respected Rose’s take on events since they were first disclosed. Since then, Me-Too, in Hollywood, refers as much to the band-wagon as it does an individual’s experience.
Third: What really really irks me the most is this; Hollywood men have behaved badly, therefore, we the enlightened in Hollywood and New York are now going to project their behavior upon the stupid masses. Sure, sexual harassment exists at all levels, but we have ample evidence that it exists on an exponential scale in Hollywood/NewYork, and for that matter, in Silicon Valley and Washington DC to name a few. It exists on a scale in direct correlation where there is money and power. Preach to your own fucking crowd.
Fourth: Elite men behaving badly + Golden Globes + It’s really everyone else’s fault = Oprah for President …. Huh? What did I miss here? OK, Oprah gave a speech, a fine one from what I hear. Downtrodden women, unite, OK, fine, but now this is overlaid on the ever-tumultuous Trump news cycle and next thing we know, elite sexual harassing transgressors are now quite the after-thought. How is it that Harvey raped and intimidated scores of women and sum result after the Golden Globes is that Oprah is going to beat Trump? (If he runs, which I don’t expect, but that’s another story). Harvey et al much be pretty happy right now.
I have ZERO tolerance for the pompous self-righteous hypocrisy that is Hollywood and Big Media. They want it both ways. Sad victims and morally superior. Live like whores and pimps, jet set, party your life away, and then try to school some working stiff Jane or Joe in Peoria from the stage of the Golden Globes. No.