I’d like to play a parlor game and pretend that I’m a Democrat consultant for a day. As an Independent with a slight conservative bent, this is an odd fit but I do have some basis to play the part. My father was a life long Democrat whom I believe voted almost entirely conservative but I’m not sure that always entailed Republican votes. His explanation was, “I want to make sure we always have a two party system”. I’m not sure that’s ever really been at risk or that his vote would support it but I’m going to go with it.
This week, the Dems are reeling after another congressional race loss. I can’t think of much of their current platform that I agree with but I’ve always believed they’re good at seeing valid problems but struggle with good solutions. It’s a party that’s been hijacked by their profiteers and venal princes long ago. The same can be said for most Republicans – I left them a number of years back for that reason, but that’s another topic. So in the spirit of charity, I’m volunteering my services to guide them back to the light so they can again be their half of the ‘light of the world’.
Here are my dictates:
- Flush the Clintons, the entire DNC leadership, force Pelosi into retirement. Oh, and Obama? You still have quite a heady romance with him but beware; his legacy has yet to be truly weighed
- Take a Democrat governor from the reddest state of the union and make him/ her the head of the DNC. Same goes for both leadership positions in the houses of congress
- Get younger… a lot younger
- Start grooming a leading candidate that has led men into combat in the our many wars
- Distance yourselves from ideological academia and reprimand the growth of left wing fascism on college campuses
- Encourage your well-to-do class to start or expand businesses that are labor intensive. Put your money where your mouth is. I know this is a stereotype but stop depending on Republicans to employ your constituency. Employ as many votes as you want. I’m not talking about passing labor laws, I’m talking about signing paychecks
- Start fleshing out jobs for the millions that are about to be disenfranchised from work through technology. This includes not just blue-collar workers but the service sector and even legacy tech workers.
- Prove that you can balance budgets not just at the local levels where balanced budgets are often mandate by law, but in higher offices where they are not
- Stop devoting 90% of your political capital to 10% of the population. Ya know, they just might do better without your coddling
I know this will be hard medicine to swallow because it takes a lot of time and investment. Like most people, you want an instant fix. You and pols on the other side of the isle are used to just throwing money to make things work and it’s almost always OPM. So those OP are mad as hell and they aren’t going to take it anymore. New day new way. Really, it’s back to old school.
p.s. just in case you didn’t notice, there is no mention of Trump in this advise