An old acquaintance that I maintain a connection with, just on Facebook, recently posted a meme that goes something like this: ‘Live your life like it would be outlawed in Florida’. This, of course is a liberal-progressive sentiment made salient, to them, by the successful campaign of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, to reign in the culture war excesses as perpetrated by Disney and their own public school system. Over the years, both institutions evolved to spearhead radical cultural change via gays, transgenderism, and especially the forced exposure of children to both demographics. Florida is where the term ’groomer’ was first widely used by the DeSantis administration to describe the efforts of these groups to infiltrate, expose, and influence children toward their values and life choices, up to and including the point of irreversible surgical modification. What some (but not all) gays, and the transgender community have actively fought for in Florida and elsewhere is to have free reign in usurping parental rights and consent, and to convert as many children as possible, to not just to the gay, but also the transgender lifestyle. This, even when it assures that those children will grow up with lifelong medical and pharmaceutical dependance their whole lives, be sexually disfigured and sterile, without the ability to have children of their own. When someone says, ‘Live your life like it would be outlawed in Florida’, this is what they are referring to.
What seemingly ‘well-meaning’, ‘well-adjusted’ adult would wish that kind of hell, not just on the children of Florida residents but children anywhere? I know enough about my Facebook friend as an old acquaintance, to know that she is temperate, smart, and well spoken. Like many among that segment of my old friend list, I know and accept that they are also liberal/progressive even though it was never the topic of personal conversations back in the day. It just was and is. I can, however, postulate a couple characteristics that would explain the jarring disparity between the person I briefly knew in person and from afar now, and the knee-jerk meme representing a far more troubling world view. In the past, she went through seasons of vicious anti-Trump memes, always memes, never original thoughts. There was the expected giddiness over figures like Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris but also, even to liberal/progressive like her, I suspect that the constant stream of Biden and Harris blunders was an embarrassment to her. Her context includes an association with other friends in places far more conservative than her local community.
The point here is that for a person like my friend, being pro-mutilation is a thoughtless knee-jerk auto-reaction that’s expected of all good ‘party’ members in good standing; and in addition, there is no habit of critical cross-examination of what gets passed down from on high. Leftists try to project the myth that they’re intelligent analysts, but the fact is, they simply do and say what they’re told. Anyone would be hard-pressed to find a documented instance of any leftist openly endorsing child mutilation even ten years ago. You’d have to go to the depths of pervert kink forums or even the dark web to find it back then, and yet here we are today, where even some elementary school teachers are trying to convert young elementary school kids into alt-sex lifestyles right in the open of public-school classrooms. The radical leftist handlers said all must promote this, and all liberal/progressives obey, pretending they’ve believed it all along.
The other factor at play is childlessness. I cannot say with absolute certainty, but there never was and is no evidence of birthed children in my friend’s life. This observation of course is without judgement. Some are infertile, some simply choose otherwise. There is, however, a brand of feminism, that belies simple choice or the natural sadness of infertility and is rooted in an enmity against children. For some, it may not be the original cause or consequence of childlessness, but it develops afterwards. Demographically, liberal/progressives skew heavily with single and childless females but far less with females married and especially, married with children.
Is childlessness the chicken or the egg? Does the absence of children make you into a heartless promoter of child mutilation and tolerance for and promotion of homosexuality over family life? Statistically, it is indeed more likely.
I’m not here to play amateur arm-chair psychologist and figure out all the whys of how a whole movement of women disenfranchised from childbirth have become a powerful cultural force in undermining and corrupting present and future generations of innocent little kids, I just make the observation. Its statistically relevant and anecdotally true. There’s a whole companion discussion on where men left the rails as well, equally if not more crucial in the equation.
I don’t publicize my cultural/political observations on Facebook for several reasons but I’m sure my friend and others like her would take great exception to my characterizations. It isn’t pretty, but I’m not the one that posted the meme. I’m not the one swept up into a widely publicized and bitter hatred toward Gov. Ron DeSantis and the state of Florida for preventing exactly the scenarios that I laid out. If the shoe fits, one must wear it and when the glove does fit, you cannot acquit. This leaves her with a choice. If this isn’t you than break with your party and the corrupt monsters among your party leadership that are putting substantial federal energy to codify perversion as normalcy. If your childlessness has made you bitter against mothers, families of children, and children, take a step back, get some help, and stop promoting the destruction of fertility.
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