We’re now in an undeclared civil war akin to the manner in which ISIS overran Iraq, only, it’s our own version, roughly defined by the Antifa. You may recall that in the ISIS wars, by blitzkrieg, fear, and terrorism, they eventually controlled about 40% of the country before they were slowly rooted out, one jihadist […]
Riots and Such
Contained within the unrest of the past six plus days, are multiple parts, conflated together. There was the initial reaction to the police brutality. I’d keep that separate because what follows has little to do with that except for the legitimate peaceful protests on the treatment of blacks in this country. There is also: Antifa […]
Race relations and cops, 5/28/20
Upon the occasion of the death of George Floyd and other victims of excessive enforcement that came before, once again we find ourselves at the same point, year after year after year. I want to speak to that briefly. I find it hard not to sympathize with the rioters in Minnesota. As senseless as rioting […]
Drudge, someone named his price?
For years, especially dating back to the Clinton years and Monica Lewinski fame twenty-five years ago, Matt Drudge put out a simple news aggregation website in simple Courier font that transformed political life more than any other news organization of its time. The Drudge Report was the first site that Washington pols and even news […]
Obama in 2020
I endeavored to stay away from commentary that would require naming officials and citing fast moving events. The shelf life on these is usually about 12 hours or less, nevertheless, a few things have to be said, for future I-told-you-so’s. Obama has committed what may be a first in modern presidential history; not just staying away […]
Among the millions of voices yelling into the C-19 void, it’s hard to imagine that everything has not been said, and yet to these ears, there are a few shreds of logic that simply have not gotten much air that I can see. Although I’m sure it’s been said, herewith is a needful collection of […]