Is it really a post Trump world? While the election is not conceded, a preponderance of sources suggest that this current chapter is over. Even the unhinged alarmist does not seem to believe their own wild conspiracy theory [ha ha!] that Trump will need to be dragged from the Oval Office. Trump promises to run […]
A Primer on How to Evaluate Media for Yourself and for Self-Defense
We’re in a media war where objective reality no longer matters and where posturing, yelling the loudest, and gaslighting dominate. If you take a position and cite your sources, your sources will often be denigrated. However, it is in fact true, that bad sources are broadly distributed on social media, just as prevalent as skewed […]
A Few Reasons Why I’m Diversifying From Facebook and You Should Too
The following is adapted from the post I made to my own pages on Facebook and MeWe I’ve set up accounts on MeWe and Parler. I’m in the process of figuring out their functions and deciding what I’ll post on each site. I’m not leaving Facebook. Like most, FB has become an archive of my […]
So Now the Election Process Becomes So Much Clearer
Today, four or five major news organizations declared the election in favor of Biden. [Banjo Boy – A set portrait with his wife has him still wearing the aviators]. Tactical Option 1: In motion now. Most of his party establishment capitulates, believing that Trump is disposable, so now they can focus on winning a couple […]
The Problem with Libertarians & Reason Magazine
I came, I saw, and in the end, I didn’t like what I saw; such is my summation of the whole libertarian movement. This is not to say that I didn’t and don’t like many of the core truths to libertarianism, nor is it that I’ve embraced the inevitability of two sole parties. History says […]
What Conservatism Needs Most, Now
Conservatism has spent much of the last generation trying to survive. There have been strengths and victories, but these are seemingly always one vote away from destruction. The left made major strides by playing the long game and quietly changing the very platforms that make a difference, not just one election, one issue, one interest group. They […]