I’ve been inclined lately to speak to a younger audience, under 40. I’m going to guess that my audience in this regard is only hypothetical because those who are under 40 generally don’t open traditional web pages and read text. For most, its video, or podcasts but even that’s started to become dated. Then it […]
Bold Predictions and Outcomes That Will Force a Generation to Choose Their Future
In My Endorsement 2020 (September 10, 2020), I made the following statement: “I was a never-Trumper in 2016. Since then, I watched as he performed on issue after issue important to conservatives and prosperity, not a perfect record, but far more than I expected. But as much as those issues, I watched attempted smear after attempted smear, […]
Proposal, Hire More English Majors in the Cause for Conservatism
I’m constantly struck by the degree with which the progressives and anarchist torture and abuse language to say the diametric opposite of what words actually say. You have to hand it to them, they’re good at what they do. Witness Jen Psaki; I can’t think of a more effective worm-tongue, day after day avoiding, spinning, […]
Proposal, a Board of Fact Checkers to Take Big Media and Big Tech to Trial
It amazes me how conservatives to this day are sitting around bemoaning being ‘fact-checked’ by committees of imbeciles. They’re everywhere, Snopes, Facebook, Twitter, boards of ideological imposters occupying every major media outlet, claiming ‘objectivity. I propose a real board of fact-checkers to check Big Media and Big Tech. There’s no punch line to this proposal; […]
Watching the Rats of Lies, Big Media, Handmaidens of Deception
It was fascinating to watch Big Media this week after the two-stage explosion of news related to Covid sources and Fauci. This had been building for weeks when source after source started to change their opinion about the culpability of the Chinese/CCP for what was assuredly, a Wuhan lab source for Covid. I’ve been saying […]
Wuhan-Fauci-gate Gaining Steam, Predictions on Where This Will Go
It’s old news now that Dr. Anthony Fauci, formerly known as ‘Our Lord and Savior…’, that he’s in hot water. Everyone is fascinated with the turn in fortunes for Fauci. A crucial part of this is the reversal in public opinion about the origins of Covid 19. Until the past couple of weeks, Facebook banned any post […]